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Cory Arcangel’s atonal YouTube cat video mashup

Drei Klavierstücke op. 11 is a set of pieces written for the piano by Arnold Schoenberg in 1909, some of the first western music to written in an atonal style. Cory Arcangel took a bunch of YouTube videos of cats playing the piano and fused them together into a performance of op. 11.

This project fuses a few different things I have been interested in lately, mainly “cats”, copy & paste net junk, and youtube’s tendency in the past few years to host videos that are as good and many times similar to my favorite video artworks. I think all this is somehow related.

Cory’s no-bullshit statements about his art are just as entertaining as the work itself:

So, I probably made this video the most backwards and bone headed way possible, but I am a hacker in the traditional definition of someone who glues together ugly code and not a programmer. For this project I used some programs to help me save time in finding the right cats. Anyway, first I downloaded every video of a cat playing piano I could find on Youtube. I ended up with about 170 videos…

You can catch Cory’s project in-person at Team Gallery in NYC and at Kunsthaus Graz in Austria.

Tron Legacy trailer

They’re making a new Tron movie. And it looks like it might not suck! (via @dburka)

Update: The Tron Legacy trailer and Michael Jackson’s Beat It match up pretty well, don’t they?

T-shirt designs on cakes

Threadcakes is a contest that turns Threadless t-shirt designs into cakes. Ooh, do this one. (via waxy)

Update: Yes! (thx, andy)

Fancy Fast Food

Love this: the chefs at Fancy Fast Food take fast food items and reformulate them into more delectable looking dishes. Here is just a portion of the directions for turning a White Castle meal into a tasty looking assortment of tapas.

Next, deconstruct everything and separate them into separate plates: french fries, onion rings, fried clams, beef patties, buns, cheese, bacon, and chicken. Using a paper towel, squeeze and dab each bun dry of its oil and ketchup. Then place all the buns on a baking sheet and bake them for ten minutes in a pre-heated oven at 400° F.

Meanwhile, using a food processor, blend the french fries into a pulp with a little water. Do the same with the beef (no water necessary) until it’s ground and moldable. Hand-roll the ground beef into meatballs, then pan-fry them until they start to brown.

(thx, paul)

Faux Wes Anderson commercial

For a student project (a fake Wes Anderson film festival), Alex Cornell and Phil Mills shot a promotional short in the style of The Royal Tenenbaums.

More information on how it was made is here. (thx, alex)

Update: Here are the rest of the materials for the film festival. This is an awesome project.

8-Bit Fatalities

The 8-Bit Fatalities project presents the abstract killing in pixelated video games (Pac-Man eating the ghosts, Dig Dug blowing up his enemies) as realistic illustrations.

Dig Dug Dead

The Kirby one is the best…and most graphic. (via clusterflock)

Air Force One and The Statue of Liberty Photoshopped together

The hamfisted Air Force One NYC photo op cost taxpayers more than $320,000. Photoshop expert Scott Kelby says that using the graphics editing program for two minutes could have saved a lot of money and trouble.

Update: The NY Daily News had the same idea. (thx, @tshane)


The voice modulation technology isn’t just for pop songs anymore. Check out Blake tries to talk to Jack about the homepage:

Babies crying in Auto-Tune is pretty hilarious: Baby T-Pain 1, Baby T-Pain 2.

But Auto-Tuning the News takes the prize.

Pay particular attention to Katie Couric at 1:20. Awesome. (thx, matt)

Update: Whoa, Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech run through Auto-Tune. (thx, matthew)

Update: Winston Churchill + Auto-Tune = [you don’t need me to tell you the answer to this].

Media packaging mashups

Recently a number of efforts have been made at re-imagining the packaging for movies, books, video games, and other media, mostly mashups and in the illustration style of typical of Saul Bass’ movie posters or Penguin Classics book covers. I’ve collected several examples below.

Olly Moss

Olly Moss made Penguin-like book covers for video games like Ocarina of Time and Half-Life.

M. S. Corley made Penguin-like versions of the Harry Potter books.

I Can Read Movies

In his I Can Read Movies series, spacesick imagines Penguin-like book covers for movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Sixteen Candles, and Back to the Future.

Forrest Lucero designed Penguin-like book covers for songs from The Postal Service and Daft Punk.

Olly Moss

Olly Moss also did simple red/white/black posters for some of his favorite movies, including Die Hard and The Deer Hunter.

A bunch of people on Flickr imagined Nintendo DS tie-in games for movies like Andy Warhol’s Empire, Eyes Wide Shut, and 8 1/2. They also did some for TV shows, magazines, web sites, and all sorts of other media.

Criterion video games

The folks on the NeoGAF message board made Criterion Collection-style box art for video games like Super Mario Galaxy, Black and White, and Super Mario 64.

Nikolay Saveliev

Nikolay Saveliev made simple two-color album covers for the likes of Kanye West, Jessica Simpson, and Franz Ferdinand.

Update: Modernist editions of classic album covers. (thx, zach)

Update: Logan Walters is redoing Wu-Tang Clan album covers.

Update: Classic albums reimagined as Pelican books.

Update: Simple Star Wars posters.

Update: Brandon Schaefer did some simple Blu-ray sleeve for movies, very much in the style of Olly Moss. Exergian did some posters for TV shows; the one for Weeds is particularly nice.

Weeds poster

Update: Books as web services.

Update: Panic made some Atari 2600-themed packaging for their software. (thx, daniel)

Suck my Manhattan!

If you don’t like this re-imagined NYC subway map, I’ll kick you in the Brooklyn. Somewhat NSFW. (via illustration art)

Disturbin’ Strokes

The intro to Diff’rent Strokes set to some disturbing music is “far more creepy than I thought it would [be]”. (via cyn-c)

Chino Otsuka

Imagine Finding Me is a project by Chino Otsuka where she inserts her adult self into photos taken of her as a child. More examples at Wallpaper. See also Ze Frank’s Youngme / Nowme and those neat half-kid, half-adult photos that I can’t find a link to right now…little help? (via waxy)

Update: Age-maps! (thx, cindy)

Josh Poehlein

Josh Poehlein’s Modern History project takes screen grabs from YouTube videos and assembles them into collages.

Josh Poehlein

These are wonderful. And he’s giving them away.

I am offering large printable files to anyone interested at no cost. Computer files are the most easily reproducible information on the planet. In this particular case I see no reason to imbue a false sense of preciousness on the work. The information I gathered to create the collages is publicly availaibe, and the collages themselves are no different.

(via conscientious)

Layer Tennis tomorrow

Tomorrow at 3pm ET: Layer Tennis match between Jennifer Daniel and Jillian Tamaki with commentary by some guy named Jason Kottke. What is Layer Tennis?

Two competitors will swap a file back and forth in real-time, adding to and embellishing the work. Each artist gets fifteen minutes to complete a “volley” and then we post it to the site live. A third participant, a writer, provides play-by-play commentary on the action, as it happens. A match lasts for ten volleys.

Update: Here’s the match preview.

Extreme borrowing in the blogosphere

In the past week, both Joshua Schachter and Matt Haughey published articles that were excerpted in the Voices section of All Things Digital, a web site owned by Dow Jones and run by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg of the WSJ. Each excerpt was accompanied by a link to the original articles. Schachter and Haughey both reacted negatively to All Things Digital’s posting of their work. Andy Baio has collected responses from Schachter, Haughey, All Things Digital’s Kara Swisher, other writers whose stuff has been excerpted in the Voices section, and a couple other long-time online writers. Merlin Mann’s comment on Twitter sums up what the independent writers seem to be irritated with:

Republishing online work without consent and wrapping it in ads is often called “feed scraping.” At AllThingsD, it’s called “a compliment.”

It does suck that ATD’s linking technique makes it appear as though Schachter and Haughey are in the employ of Dow Jones and that DJ has the copyright on what they wrote. ATD should make the lack of affiliation more clear. Other than that, is the ATD post really that bad? In many ways, All Things Digital’s linking technique is more respectful of the author of the original piece than that of a typical contemporary blog. For comparison purposes, here are screenshots of Schachter’s original article as linked to from a typical blog (in this case, Boing Boing) and by All Things Digital.

Attribution on Boing Boing vs All Things Digital

Go read both posts (ATD, BB) and then come back. With its short excerpt and explicit authorship (i.e. there’s no doubt that Joshua Schachter wrote those words), the ATD post is clearly just an enticement for the reader to go read the original post. On the other hand, BB’s post summarizes most of Schachter’s argument and includes an extensive excerpt of the juiciest part of the original piece. The post is clearly marked as being “posted by Cory Doctorow” so a less-than-careful reader might assume that those are Doctorow’s thoughts about URL shorteners.

[Metaphorically speaking, the ATD post is like showing the first 3 minutes of a movie and then prodding the viewer to go see the rest of it in a theater while BB’s post is like the movie trailer that gives so much of the story away (including the ending) that you don’t really need to watch the actual movie.]

What ends up happening is that blogs like Boing Boing — and I’m very much not picking on BB here…this is a very common and accepted practice in the blogosphere — provide so much of the gist and actual text of the thing they’re pointing to that readers often don’t end up clicking through to the original. To make matters worse, some readers will pass along BB’s post instead of Schachter’s post…it becomes, “hey, did you see what Boing Boing said about URL shortening services?” And occassionally (but more often than you might think) someone will write a post about something interesting, it’ll get linked by a big blog that summarizes and excerpts extensively, and then the big blog’s post will appear on the front page of Digg and generally get linked around a lot while the original post and its author get screwed.

So I guess my question is: why is All Things Digital getting put through the wringer receiving scrutiny here for something that seems a lot more innocuous than what thousands of blogs are doing every day? Shouldn’t we be just as or more critical of sites like Huffington Post, Gawker, Apartment Therapy, Engadget, Boing Boing, Buzzfeed, Lifehacker, etc. etc. etc. that extensively excerpt and summarize?

Update: I’m pulling a couple of quotes up from the comments so that the opinions of the people involved aren’t misrepresented.

Joshua Schachter:

I really just objected to the byline on the ATD thing. It made it appear that there was a relationship when there wasn’t. If there is curation, the curator should be the one noted as making the choices.

Andy Baio:

All the complaints stem from the affiliation issue. Running ads and having comments on an excerpt are only an issue if it’s presented as original content, instead of curation. Put an editor’s name on there, remove the author photos, throw it in a blockquote, and all these complaints go away.

Alternate futures: the expressways of Manhattan

The architect Robert Stern once remarked, “Can you imagine an elevated expressway at 30th Street just so Long Island guys could get to New Jersey?” Robert Moses could. A pair of Google Maps of Manhattan were redrawn to include the Lower Manhattan Expressway and Mid Manhattan Expressway, two highways masterminded by Moses that would have cut across Manhattan through Soho and at 30th St., respectively.

Lower Manhattan Expressway

This was true for me, at least, while I was making these; Hand erasing buildings through SoHo, TriBeCa, and the LES was an eery experience as I tried to imagine what these places would really look like if my brush was a bulldozer.

More information on the Mid-Manhattan Expressway and the Lower Manhattan Expressway on NYCroads. (via migurski)

Google’s Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar was one of my favorite books when I was a kid and I’ve loved reading it to Ollie over the past few months. So of course, Google’s logo today is aces.

Google Hungry Caterpillar

Now do Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!

8-bit hip hop

Rap and hip hop tunes played with sounds from 8-bit Nintendo games. Ocarina of Rhyme is a similar effort with a better name but not as good, IMO.

The auteurs of comedy

Famous directors takes on famous comedy routines. Wes Anderson does Who’s on First, Michael Moore does The Ministry of Silly Walks, and Tarantino does the I’m Crushing Your Head bit (the best one).

YouTube, remixed

Thru You is a site that showcases remixed YouTube videos…the singing from one video combined with the drums from another and the piano from a third and so on. I was skeptical but these are really well done. Do I even need to say that this reminds me of Christian Marclay’s Video Quartet? (via sfj)

Like the Silver Surfer

Surfing Google Earth using a Wii Fit Balance Board. (via quantified self)

Old School Breakdancing

Soviet Army dance ensemble + Run DMC = the invention of breakdancing in the mid-1900s.

Here’s the same thing mixed with Fatboy Slim’s Weapon of Choice. Reminds me of the previously featured but still awesome video of Al Minns and Leon James doing the Charleston to Daft Punk. Here are two more videos that track the origins and breakdancing and hip-hop dancing in a slightly more formal manner: one, two.

Eustace Tilley contest results

The New Yorker has announced the winners of the 2009 Eustace Tilley contest, which encouraged people to reïmagine the magazine’s monocled mascot. These are all pretty good…the cab driver is an understated favorite.

Wonderwall techno

We all had a healthy laugh earlier in the month when someone took the vocal track from Van Halen’s Runnin’ With The Devil and ran it through Microsoft Songsmith, creating an automatic and unusual musical accompaniment for David Lee Roth’s tortured vocals. Since then, people have done this with all sorts of songs and they’re all pretty bad. Surprisingly, Wonderwall by Oasis works really well as a techno song. (thx, rob)

I just saw It’s a Wonderful LifeHacker

Web/movie mashups. My favorites:

Il Huffington Postino
Slumdog Millionaire Dollar Homepage
Behind Enemy Bloglines
Schindler’s Craigslist
Charlotte’s WebCrawler Willy

And while not strictly adhering to the form, I also chuckled at “Bone Thugs & eHarmony”. The best I could come up with for is Girls Gone Wild: Kottke West, which is not so good.

Update: Duh, I totally forgot about Koyaaniskottke. Also: kottke.orgazmo, The Kottke Horror Picture Show, and Kottke Balboa. (thx, andy & charley)

The mystery of the Obama Hope photo

For all of the talk that Shepard Fairey is just a plagiarist, I think that the clearest indication that his art is above board and adding something new to the world is that until a few days ago, no one knew who had taken the photo of Obama that became the basis of the iconic Hope poster, not even Fairey or the photographer who took it.

Reuters are understandably somewhat put out on their own and Young’s behalf, but like it or not, Fairey’s use of the picture are well within the parameters of “fair use”. His transformative use of the image - both in flipping and re-orienting it, adding jacket and tie and the “O” Obama logo, and converting it to his block print style make it consistent with all legal precedents for use.

Update: But, but ,but, not so fast. It looks like Tom Gralish has found the actual photo that Fairey used; it was taken by AP’s Mannie Garcia at a National Press Club event in April 2006. (thx, ryan)

Things Our Friends Have Written On The Internet 2008

Things Our Friends Have Written On The Internet 2008 is a newspaper compiled and printed by a pair of fellows from the UK that is just that…a bunch of stuff that they liked reading on the web last year. I *love* this. And hate it (a little bit).

The hate part first. TOFHWOTI is almost precisely the thing I’ve been wanting to do for years now…take the very best of the best links of the year and bundle them up into a printed artifact of some sort. So seeing it done first and so expertly was a bit of a punch in the nose. Of course, ideas are so cheap and plentiful these days that “I thought of it first” has no value without follow through, something that my schedule for the past few years hasn’t allowed for. This year, *for sure*, dammit! (I’m also pissed that I didn’t get around to ordering a copy for myself until this morning and found that they’re all sold out! Gah! Like I said, no time.)

But damn, is that thing beautiful or what? You don’t even need the physical artifact to see that much. The simple but playful design is just right. Getting it printed super-cheap on newsprint fits nicely with the concept and content. All the little details are accounted for; I wouldn’t change a thing. More like this, please.

Simple film poster remakes

Some nice and simple redesigns of movie posters by Olly Moss, who is also responsible for the classic movie spoilers tshirt at Threadless. (via quips)

Bernstein conducts Shostakovich with YouTube vocals

Leonard Bernstein conducts Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5 while comments from YouTube commenters are read. (via the rest is noise)

Remember, it’s airbrushed

“Don’t forget…” is a street art project that consists of Photoshop palettes pasted over heavily airbrushed advertising in a metro station in Berlin. (thx, phil)