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Astronomers have determined the precise location and

Astronomers have determined the precise location and time that Ansel Adams took a famous photograph of the moon in Yosemite National Park and are going to attempt to recreate the shot in September. The same forensic team has previously determined when Van Gogh painted “White House at Night”.

How to identify faked photos.

How to identify faked photos.

Barcode tattoos + mobile phones with cameras = business

Barcode tattoos + mobile phones with cameras = business card (or, say, a list of your sexual preferences) on your arm.

A contemporary photo taken with a circa-1914

A contemporary photo taken with a circa-1914 Kodak. For some reason I always thought old photos looked old because they were old. But really it’s mostly the camera’s doing.

A how-to on getting good B&

A how-to on getting good B&W photos from a digital camera. Slower has another technique.

Oh, so you want flying cat pictures, do you?

Oh, so you want flying cat pictures, do you?.

Photos of Paris by Eugene Atget, as

Photos of Paris by Eugene Atget, as well as contemporary versions for comparison.

Big exhibition of Lee Friedlander’s photography at

Big exhibition of Lee Friedlander’s photography at the MoMA until the end of August. It’s interesting to see the influence Friedlander’s work has had on some of the photobloggers I follow.

New bookmark: interesting Flickr photos from the

New bookmark: interesting Flickr photos from the last 24 hours, automagically determined. PageRank for photos, sorta.

Flickr reaches the 1,000,000 member threshhold

Flickr reaches the 1,000,000 member threshhold. I wish Flickr publicized everyone’s number so that I could lord my early-adopter status over everyone in a more quantitative manner.

A huge set of historic NBA photos

A huge set of historic NBA photos.

Thousands of bouncy balls released into the wild

Thousands of bouncy balls released into the wild.

I liked these “blue” photos by Zach on Jake’s site

I liked these “blue” photos by Zach on Jake’s site.

Photo slideshow of Lance Armstrong’s Tour de France

Photo slideshow of Lance Armstrong’s Tour de France.

How to make a pinhole camera that

How to make a pinhole camera that looks like a real camera out of paper.

Some iPhoto 5 tips and techniques for managing your digital photos

Some iPhoto 5 tips and techniques for managing your digital photos.

Slideshow of historic photography from the archives

Slideshow of historic photography from the archives of ICP and the George Eastman Collection. Lots of photos from both collections are set to be available online in 2006 at

A slideshow of photos from some photoblogs

A slideshow of photos from some photoblogs as part of the BBC’s Digital Citizens series.

Slideshow of Harry Potter fans purchasing the newest Potter doorstop

Slideshow of Harry Potter fans purchasing the newest Potter doorstop.

FontHunt is a typographic scavenger hunt taking

FontHunt is a typographic scavenger hunt taking place in NYC the week of July 21. Doesn’t get much geekier (or cooler) than this, folks.

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will take the

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter will take the first detailed photos of the Apollo landers/rovers/etc on the moon since 1972.

Icelandic band Sigur Ros has a Flickr

Icelandic band Sigur Ros has a Flickr account that they’re updating while on tour.

Age Maps

Age Maps. “Two photographs of the same person, from different periods of time (child and adult) are spliced together.” Very cool effect.

BBC News has some eyewitness photos of

BBC News has some eyewitness photos of people evacuating the tube.

Photos of the industrial world by Edward Burtynsky

Photos of the industrial world by Edward Burtynsky.

Turn your favorite photo into a Polaroid with the Polaroid-o-nizer

Turn your favorite photo into a Polaroid with the Polaroid-o-nizer.

Font made from timelapse images of car headlights

Font made from timelapse images of car headlights.

Photographer Clayton James Cubitt interviews Tom Carden

Photographer Clayton James Cubitt interviews Tom Carden about their Metropop Denim collaboration. “I don’t think the work ever belongs to the computer, any more than a photograph belongs to a camera. The computer is a tool โ€” there wouldn’t be any artwork if I didn’t tell the computer exactly what to do โ€” it just works a hell of a lot faster than I do!”

Nicole Kidman is set to star in

Nicole Kidman is set to star in a biopic about Diane Arbus.

Slide show depicting a collection of New

Slide show depicting a collection of New York City coffee cups.