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Ellen Lupton is up on stage now

Ellen Lupton is up on stage now talking about dumb quotes, weird scaling, and pseudo italics.

Here’s the front page of the new

Here’s the front page of the new Guardian. They’ve completely revamped the paper…it’s smaller and has a new font, among other changes. They changed the format to Berliner because “unambiguous research [showed] that readers increasingly find broadsheet newspapers difficult to handle in many everyday situations, including commuting to work”.

FontHunt is a typographic scavenger hunt taking

FontHunt is a typographic scavenger hunt taking place in NYC the week of July 21. Doesn’t get much geekier (or cooler) than this, folks.

Subway typography

Typography of the Paris Metro, NYC Subway, and the London Underground.

Winners from the 2005 Type Directors Club competition

Winners from the 2005 Type Directors Club competition.

Quiz: Arial or Helvetica?

Quiz: Arial or Helvetica?.

Font made from timelapse images of car headlights

Font made from timelapse images of car headlights.

The Helvetica Meditations

The Helvetica Meditations.

“Graffiti Taxonomy presents isolated letters from various

“Graffiti Taxonomy presents isolated letters from various graffiti tags, reproduced in similar scales and at close proximity”. “The intent of these studies is to show the diversity of styles as expressed in a single character.”

An incomplete listing of typefaces seen at Walt Disney World

An incomplete listing of typefaces seen at Walt Disney World.

The typography of the Star Wars opening sequence

The typography of the Star Wars opening sequence.

Daily Type is a great typography sketchbook

Daily Type is a great typography sketchbook.

FontLab buys Fontographer from Macromedia and plans for future upgrades

FontLab buys Fontographer from Macromedia and plans for future upgrades.

Mercury Text typeface comes in four different

Mercury Text typeface comes in four different grades so you can pick the right one for the medium you’re publishing in. Hoefler and Frere-Jones are the best kind of crazy.

Microsoft recently licensed their core and web

Microsoft recently licensed their core and web fonts (Verdana, Georgia, etc.) to Ascender. These fonts were formerly distributed free of charge on the web by Microsoft…now they only come free with MS products.