kottke.org posts about nsfw
Jessica Dimmock’s The Ninth Floor is a series of photos taken of heroin addicts living in a ninth floor Manhattan apartment. The NY Times and New York magazine have slideshows with a little more context. Also available in book form. NSFW. (via clusterflock)
A timeline of human history (mostly sex and violence) by Milo Manara. NSFW.
This may be the funniest YouTube video of all time. Keywords: fireworks, no pants, NSFW, and “Rectum? It nearly killed ‘em!”
Update: Of course YouTube pulled the video, but here’s an alternate link. (thx, ryan)
In the 1970s, Japanese photograhper Kohei Yoshiyuki stumbled upon a couple in a park engaged in sexual activity in the darkness and, somewhat more curiously, two men creeping towards the couple, watching them. Over many months, he followed these voyeurs in the park, befriended them, and outfitted his camera with an infrared flash so as to blend into the crowded darkness. The result is a fantastic series of photos called The Park. As you can see in the photo below, Yoshiyuki even caught some of the peeping toms touching their “visual prey”.

Yoshiyuki’s photographs explore the boundaries of privacy, an increasingly rare commodity. Ironically, we may reluctantly accommodate ourselves to being watched at the A.T.M., the airport, in stores, but our appetite for observing people in extremely personal circumstances doesn’t seem to wane.
The NY Times has an audio slideshow of some images from The Park, which is on display at the Yossi Milo gallery in NYC until October 20 (more photos). A book of Yoshiyuki’s photography is available at Amazon.
The Times article mentions several photographers whose work is similar to Yoshiyuki’s. Merry Alpern took photographs through a window of prostitutes plying their trade with Wall Street businessmen. Weegee used an infrared flash to capture kissing couples at the movie theater (although it seems that particular shot was staged) and on the beach at Coney Island (last photo here). Walker Evans photographed people on the subway without their knowledge.
Jessica Lagunas’ Return to Puberty, an artwork consisting of a “video close-up of my pubis in a static single shot, in which I depilate most of my pubic hair with a pair of tweezers continuously for one hour”. It’s like the female version of Empire. NSFW.
Michael Specter gave spam the New Yorker treatment in last week’s issue. Probably not a lot new for kottke.org readers, but after reading this short passage,
But spammers aren’t stopping there. They are learning to send out polymorphic spam, thousands of variations of the spam message, which makes each message unique and therefore hard to categorize.
I noticed examples of polymorphic spam in my junk mail folder for a penis enlargement product called Mega Dik. Here are some of the variations:
Dames always smiled at me and even youths did in the not private lavatory!
Well, now I giggl at them, because I took Me_ga. d_ik.
for 3 months and now my pecker is extremely greater than civil.
Chicks always hee-hawed at me and even bucks did in the civil bathroom!
Well, now I laugh at them, because I took Meg, a dik.
for 4 months and now my putz is badly greater than world.
Baronesses always giggled at me and even youths did in the public WC!
Well, now I whoop at them, because I took Me - ga - Di k
for 4 months and now my pecker is dreadfully longer than usual.
Baronesses always smiled at me and even chaps did in the urban WC!
Well, now I smil at them, because I took M_E_G. ADI. K
for 3 months and now my tool is much preponderant than civil.
Chicks always laughed at me and even fellows did in the unrestricted bathroom!
Well, now I whizgiggle at them, because I took M eg ad ik
for 7 months and now my member is greatly largest than federal.
I’ve also updated my amusing penis enlargement spam imagery page. Most of the images are NSFW but are great examples of effective folk design.
Jane magazine’s guest blog consists of reader-submitted photos and descriptions of their breasts. The results are both unerotic and fascinating. Because of the portrayal of women and men as near-perfect sexual objects in the media, movies, and porn, it’s easy to forget the extent of diversity of people’s bodies. “I used to think they were horrible compared to all we see in fashion mags…but now I LOVE my body and my BOOBS!!!” NSFW, I guess.
There are almost no words for this video. “When that stool pops out an ottoman 9 months from now, there is no way in hell y’all are gonna be able to tell who the baby daddy is….” Potentially NSFW. (via todd at bingbong.com, who says that he “would be totally happy if this video was the World Wide Web’s grand finale, and then the Internet just went dark and we all went back to making candles and reading the bible and stuff.”)
Update: The video was made for a contest held by Pretty Ricky, a hip-hop group. Here’s the contest announcement. That still doesn’t explain why those young men were having outercourse with that ottoman. (thx, travis)
Update: This one’s good too. Furniture sex + rubber gloves and surgical masks.
Update: One last word on this…the video is not an entry in Push It contest, it’s just set to a Pretty Ricky song. (thx, todd)
OhMiBod is the ultimate iPod accessory: a vibrator that hooks up to the iPod and buzzes in time with the music. “I will never listen to music the same way again.” Don’t miss the playlists compiled specifically for OhMiBod use. NSFW. (thx, tania)
Rejoice, netizens! The hunt is over for the weirdest thing on the web. I give you photos of people who have gotten a piercing on their third nipple. NSFW and possibly not safe for your psyche either.
It’s almost a shame that I don’t get to read more of my spam because it can be highly entertaining. Here’s one of the better ones I’ve seen in a long time, a clever ad for Viagra. Warning: NSFW but LOL nonetheless.
Photo of Beavis, a homeless man living in San Francisco, shooting up (perhaps NSFW). He was previously photographed in 1994 as a street kid in LA for Time magazine. “he picks his scabs to find a good spot; and tries a few locations before he gets a vein.”
Photographs of female anatomy for artists, just in case you don’t have the resources to hire live nude models. Male anatomy photos available here. NSFW.
Female Tech has combined her love of technology and an artistic sensibility to create photos of herself posing with various gadgets: a stratgically placed PSP, Sega Genesis cuddle, and GameCube piggyback. Reminds me somewhat of a certain Palm parody from back in the day. NSFW.
Orgasm or excellent marinara? Can you tell the difference between the faces of Food Network celebrities and porn stars? Might be a little NSFW depending on where you W. (via ed)
Putting out a daily 3-minute video show on the web is getting Ze Frank [wait for it….] a whole lot of ass. If enough people upload photos of themselves with “sports racer” written on their asses, Ze will repost the so-called “missing episode” of The Show (a copy of which I have and am trying hard not to upload to YouTube). Questions: How are these people writing so legibly on their own butts? Are they getting someone else to do it…and if so, man, that must be an awkward conversation. “You want me to write ‘sports racer’ where?” (Probably NSFW.)
Playboy lists the 25 sexiest novels ever written. I’ve read only 2 of the 25: Lolita and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Probably a little NSFW.
Plan is a photographic project by Aneta Grzeszykowska and Jan Smaga consisting of overhead views of apartments. “Such an unusual effect was achieved through the use of a special technique: the overall picture of a room is an aggregate of dozens fragmentary photographs taken from above, and then merged using a computer.” More here. A bit NSFW.
Browsing recent interestingness on Flickr, I ran across these photos of women photoshopped to include glass eyes, prostheses, eyepatches, and to look like amputees. This is a practice of devotees of amputee fetishism called Electronic Surgery. More examples here, here, and here. Probably a bit NSFW.
Update: Flickr has removed the users who posted those photos. Sorry.
A collection of “stupid nude calendars”. I confess that I found this while looking for photos from the racy curling calendar…but I came away empty-handed. (Only slightly NSFW.)
Video clip of a nude scene from Family Guy that was apparently created as an in-house joke. NSFW, unless your job is watching cartoon porn.
Man trades computer tech support (spyware & virus removal mostly) for sexual favors from damsels in distress (via ads on craigslist, of course). One wonders if he’s receiving sexually-transmitted viruses in exchange for his computer virus removal services. NSFW if your boss is offended by tshirts with bad puns on them.
Once again, the pornographers are on the cutting edge of technology. Feast your eyes on the Web 2.0ness of mydirtyipod, which offers naughty iPod-ready videos and podcasts. I’m gonna spell this one out for you: NOT SAFE FOR WORK.
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