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Microsoft to retire pile-of-crap web design program FrontPage.

Microsoft to retire pile-of-crap web design program FrontPage.

The cover for a 2004 novel called I,

The cover for a 2004 novel called I, Fatty bears a striking resemblance to that of Jeff Veen’s The Art and Science of Web Design from 2000.

Khoi Vinh on the move…he’s the

Khoi Vinh on the move…he’s the new Design Director for From the outside, it’s one of the best jobs in web design and it’s been filled well. (via waxy)

AIGA Voice has an interview with Peter

AIGA Voice has an interview with Peter Morville about his new book, Ambient Findability. A question from the interview that everyone responsible for a web site should be asking themselves (emphasis mine): “Can [people] find your content, products and services despite your website?” Love that.

Web design contest offers the potential winner

Web design contest offers the potential winner a chance to “fire missiles remote-controlled by computer at a US military base in Iraq”. (via tmn)

With AJAX MAssive Storage System (AMASS) a

With AJAX MAssive Storage System (AMASS) a web page can store large amounts of data on a computer using hidden Flash applets. Brilliant hack, but seems like a potential security concern (an AMASS-like app could just fill up a hard drive without prompting, no?). I just looked at this briefly…would this allow one to run something like GMail offline? (I’m thinking not.) (via waxy)

Nifty “straight man” redesign of The Onion.

Nifty “straight man” redesign of The Onion. Khoi Vinh of Behavior explains how the design was realized. (via waxy)

This list of ten steps to building

This list of ten steps to building a successful Web 2.0 company is really quite insightful. #3 is a favorite: “Launch. Now. Tomorrow. Everyday.”

New design for A List Apart, the

New design for A List Apart, the venerable Web design site, done with XHTML/CSS (of course) and Ruby on Rails. (via waxy)

Salon profile of 37signals and “the next

Salon profile of 37signals and “the next web revolution”. Also noted (for the first time in public, I think): Adaptive Path’s secret web app is “a tool to help bloggers measure traffic and other stats on their site [and] will be out by the end of the year”.

Andy Baio dug up this circa-1995 version

Andy Baio dug up this circa-1995 version of BobaWorld, one of my earliest favorite pages on the web. Boy, that square imagemap at the bottom of the page takes me back.

Atom 1.0

Atom 1.0. The Atom format finally goes 1.0.

Creating styled checkboxes and radio buttons with CSS and JavaScript

Creating styled checkboxes and radio buttons with CSS and JavaScript.

How to style a restaurant menu with CSS

How to style a restaurant menu with CSS.

Impressive demonstration of Ruby on Rails

Impressive demonstration of Ruby on Rails. “How to build a blog engine in 15 minutes with Ruby on Rails”.

Jeff Veen’s The Art and Science of

Jeff Veen’s The Art and Science of Web Design is 5 years old. To celebrate, he’s made a proof of the entire book available for download.

Zeldman’s observations about judging the May 1st Reboot

Zeldman’s observations about judging the May 1st Reboot. Most of the entries lacked originality, had little content, and even less focus on the user. Sounds like many of the winners of interactive design annuals as well.

Giant-Ass Image Viewer

Giant-Ass Image Viewer. Python script (+JavaScript and CSS) for cutting up and viewing large images, a la Google Maps.

Flickr switches from Flash to DHTML/Ajax

Flickr switches from Flash to DHTML/Ajax for displaying photos and notes. You can now also put links in notes, which, damn, my mind just blew.

Yikes, looks like there’s some problems with

Yikes, looks like there’s some problems with the Google Web Accelerator. It “clicks” every link, including those that might delete documents and such in web apps.

Macromedia may be a bit concerned about

Macromedia may be a bit concerned about Ajax competing with Flash’s XML socketing. “Kevin [Lynch] specifically wanted to explore the possibility of hooking into the Ajax system with Flash, via Flex.”

Flash developers can now add an option

Flash developers can now add an option to their Flash movies to view the source.