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A rare positive review from Speak Up

A rare positive review from Speak Up of the new London 2012 that everyone else in the world seems to hate. “I believe, despite any ensuing boo’s, that this is some of the most innovative and daring identity work we have seen in this new millennium, and the lack of cheesy and imagination-impairing gradients gives me hope that identity work can still be resurrected on a larger scale.”

Update: Coudal loves the logo.

Jonathan Crowe ran an Olympics-themed weblog for

Jonathan Crowe ran an Olympics-themed weblog for Athens 2004 and Torino 2006. Interestingly, the 2004 version got a lot more traffic, but more recent one made him more money via Google AdSense. “Whether [the increase is] due to better ad block positioning, ‘better’ ads (more on-target or more lucrative), a ‘better’ audience, or simply a more mature advertising network, I have no idea.”

Olympics wrap-up

I’ve got a few stories about the Winter Olympics open in tabs, so in the interest of getting rid of them:

- Photographer Vincent Laforet discusses his process in getting the photographs he wants.
- How the broadcast graphics were done for NBC’s coverage of the Olympics.
- The Nation on what went wrong with NBC’s coverage.
- Here’s the New Yorker’s take on the TV coverage.

Finally, Gelf Magazine compares Olympic predictions with the actual results. The media outlets surveyed all predicted higher medal counts for the US, but weren’t off by that much (aside from the ridiculous AP predicitons). Only NBC and Nike were surprised that Bode Miller sucked so royally.

Russia plans to drive a golf ball

Russia plans to drive a golf ball off of the ISS with a gold-plated, scandium alloy six-iron into a four-year, low-earth orbit….which may actually damage the space station if the ball is not “hit out of the station’s orbital plane”. I understand this event will be debuting at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.

Figure skater Johnny Weir loves to shop. (via lia)

Figure skater Johnny Weir loves to shop. (via lia)

Olympic snowboarders competed while listening to their

Olympic snowboarders competed while listening to their iPods. The goal? Effortless concentration. “It enables you to focus on what you’re doing without actually focusing, if that makes any sense. You’re not over-thinking, and that’s the best way to perform the harder tricks and maneuvers.”

My favorite Winter Olympics coverage is this

My favorite Winter Olympics coverage is this correspondence being posted several times daily to Slate. If this is what the NBC coverage was like, it might actually be entertaining.

Gold medal winning mogulist Dale Begg-Smith, described

Gold medal winning mogulist Dale Begg-Smith, described during the Olympic telecast as a successful entrepreneur, was actually a bigwig at a spyware company. Business aside, his final run wasn’t good enough to warrant the gold. (via /.)

A collection of “stupid nude calendars”. I

A collection of “stupid nude calendars”. I confess that I found this while looking for photos from the racy curling calendar…but I came away empty-handed. (Only slightly NSFW.)

DFL is a blog highlighting the last

DFL is a blog highlighting the last place finishers in Olympic events. Eddie the Eagle should be the site’s mascot.

One-page full schedule for the NBC coverage

One-page full schedule for the NBC coverage of the Winter Olympics.

Larry Brown wanted Stephon Marbury off the

Larry Brown wanted Stephon Marbury off the Olympic team in Athens. Marbury is the most overrated player in the NBA…there ain’t no “Marbury” in “team”. I wouldn’t have him on my team even if he played for free.

Both baseball and softball voted out of

Both baseball and softball voted out of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

London wins right to host 2012 Olympic Games

London wins right to host 2012 Olympic Games.

NYC2012 is using the Union Square clock

NYC2012 is using the Union Square clock art work to promote NY’s 2012 Olympic bid. One of the artists who did the piece is not thrilled about it being used for advertising.