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The top 1000 books owned by libraries around

The top 1000 books owned by libraries around the world. Surprisingly, no Stephen King book appears in the top 1000 but John Grisham appears 13 times. In an interesting use of, the entire list is tagged and categorized on the bookmarking site.

Stephen King: big fan of The Wire. “

Stephen King: big fan of The Wire. “The Wire keeps getting better, and to my mind it has made the final jump from great TV to classic TV.” Warning, some season 4 spoilers. (via crazymonk)


Salon nails the gist of Oblivion:

With his new story collection, David Foster Wallace has perfected a particularly subtle form of horror story — so subtle, in fact, that to judge from the book’s reviews, few of his readers even realize that’s what these stories are.

Exactly right. It’s Stephen King for the literary crowd. In many of the stories, there’s always something lurking off frame…the oblivion, as it were. Wallace knows, as does Scott McCloud, that what happens between the frames makes the narrative. Wallace never shows us the monster…the reader just gets glimpses of its shadow and is left with a feeling of unease. As opposed to the horror movies of today with their gore and choreographed multimedia frights, the seeming normalcy of Wallace’s stories set the reader up for a later sense of discomfort.

Stephen King’s Everything You Need to Know

Stephen King’s Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully - in Ten Minutes.