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Questlove’s Fantastic Video Mix of 50 Years of SNL Music

Oh this is just delightful: for the opening of his documentary film on the history of music on SNL he co-directed with Oz Rodriguez, Questlove produced what the NY Times calls “a high-speed, six-minute DJ mix of SNL music highlights”. So. Good.

From the same piece in the Times, Questlove explains how it came about:

It’s impossible for me to phone anything in, even if I wanted to. I just wanted to throw the ultimate D.J. gig and hook you in from the gate. It started off small, and it couldn’t stop.

In the beginning, I was just going in five-year intervals — what’s the three strongest moments between ‘75 and ‘80? — and do it that way. But I’m so programmed as a D.J. it’s physically impossible for me to gather a group of songs together and not start — that’s my version of improvisation. And once you put, like, 17 songs together, you have a conversation with yourself: “OK, are we really doing this?”

My producers said: “It’ll never happen! The clearance, the clearance!” This is the first time that I realized my diplomatic position in music. People say, “Ahmir, you might be the next Quincy Jones, because your whole thing is more social than creative, knowing the right people, knowing who’s who.” There were at least 19 situations in which I had to come hat in hand to said person, and mind you, this is for two seconds — Michael Bolton singing “Love Is a Wonderful Thing” just once.

He got every clearance except for Luciano Pavarotti:

The only outright no that I couldn’t fix was that Luciano Pavarotti was going to be part of the Bobby McFerrin-Busta Rhymes mash-up. But it was too much to explain to his estate, and I couldn’t go to Italy and whatever. It could have been brilliant, Bobby McFerrin and Pavarotti going toe to toe.

The film premieres tonight on NBC and will be available on Peacock starting tomorrow.

Update: According to Questlove’s Instagram post, the musical montage was edited by John MacDonald, Coordinating Producer of The Tonight Show. (via

Update: The YouTube video is now barely watchable — 2/3s of the screen is blurred. You’ll have to watch the film on Peacock to get the full experience.

Comments  14

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enbeecee Edited

That was delightful!

Jason Kottke reposted

This is 50 Years of SNL Music so, so, so excellent. (My only mild criticism is not having any footage of the time Fear played and SNL called Ian MacKaye to bring "real" punks to dance.

Jay Rendon

So good! A video version of the old Girl Talk albums.

Dave Thompson

Awesome. Did anyone see Devo? Just had time to watch once and Devo’s debut was an SNL triumph…Didn't catch it on first pass.

Joshua Neds-Fox

Juxtaposition is commentary: that mash of Bye Bye Bye and Survivor, two strains of pop, the boy and the girl group, and the launching pad for two of the most consequential artists of the 2000s, Justin and Beyoncé. Both of them bouncing/stomping. I couldn't help but think about power and representation, and authenticity vs. artificiality, and consumption, and how TV (SNL!) mediates and generates all of that for us (at us? with us?). Anyway, genius work.

Joshua Neds-Fox

Okay but also: I'm almost positive that the section starting at about 00:58, right after Sabrina Carpenter, featuring Eminem and Gwen Stefani, was a genuine mashup yesterday (1/27); today (1/28) it's got an inelegant overlay of Neffex's 'Statement'. Licensing snafu?

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Bob Walicki Edited

Did they lose clearances overnight? The audio mix at 57 seconds is substantially different for 20 seconds than it was last night...

It now features a snippet of the track Statement by NEFFEX who, I don't think, was ever on SNL.

What gives?

Jason KottkeMOD

Ok, the documentary is now streaming on Peacock.

I watched the opening segment of the actual movie and Joshua & Bob above are correct: in the YouTube version, that part of the audio has been replaced. I suspect they cleared the rights for it to air on TV & streaming but not online. and someone complained so they had to dub over it. 🤷‍♂️

Marc Hedlund

I just got around to trying to watch this and the left third of the screen is clear, but the right-hand two-thirds are blurred. I wonder if that's also some rights issue (or just some weird thing for some other reason).

Colter Mccorkindale

Why is this so low-res and not available on an official NBC channel?

Jason KottkeMOD

Ha yeah the video is totally borked now. Alas.

Bob Walicki

It's been fun(?) to watch it decompensate in real time....

Nathan kress

inshitification in real time!

Kelly Mcclain

It goes back and forth between borked and unborked(?). At one point it was overlayed with an annoying 'song' too. This really highlights the amount of clearances needed as related in the story.

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