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Two weeks ago, author and professional gambler

Two weeks ago, author and professional gambler David Sklansky offered $50,000 to any Christian who believes in Jesus’ resurrection, believes non-believers will go to hell, *and* could beat his score on the SAT. A dumb bet, but ok. Jeopardy uber-champion Ken Jennings, a Mormon, says bring it on: ” I’ve already taken the SAT โ€” why bother taking it again? I know what I got, and the College Board can back me up on it. Sklansky looks older than me, but I assume he took the 1600-point SAT at some point. I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours. Fifty grand, math/verbal total.” (thx, david)

Jeopardy king Ken Jennings has a blog. (thx, matt)

Jeopardy king Ken Jennings has a blog. (thx, matt)