Saying words wrong on purpose
Fun little article by Grant Barrett about people saying words wrong on purpose.
I sometimes say “muscles” so that the ‘c’ has a ‘k’ sound (the same way the cartoon character Popeye says it), computor instead of “computer” (after Ned Beatty’s exaggerated pronunciation of “Mr Luthor” in the Superman movies), and I occasionally say benimber instead of “remember” because it was something my cousin Paul said more than 20 years ago.
I use several of these mispronunciations regularly, which drives Meg nuts. Nucular, saxamaphone, muscles with Popeye’s hard c, computor, robit for robot, etc. Those of you who speak other languages…is this a common behavior outside of English?
Update: Language Log found a 1932 article about Intentional Mispronunciations. From a summary of the article:
Her categories include everything from adding or subtracting syllables and restressing (antique as “an-tee-cue”, “champeen”, “the-‘ater”), tensing lax vowels (“genu-wine”), borrowing of “vulgar” pronunciations (“agin”, “extry”, “who’d-a thunk it”, “varmint”)…
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