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Mapping Cinematic Paths

map of where the characters go in Star Wars

map of where the characters go in Mad Max: Fury Road

map of where the characters go in Fargo

Artist and illustrator Andrew DeGraff makes maps that show where the characters travel during movies โ€” imagine Billy’s trail maps from Family Circus but for films like Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Pulp Fiction, and Mad Max: Fury Road.

DeGraff collected these maps into a book called Cinemaps: An Atlas of 35 Great Movies.

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Character Routing Maps of Famous Films

Illustrator Andrew DeGraff makes what he calls Cinemaps, maps of movies and their plots in the style of the dotted-line wanderings of The Family Circus comic strip or Harry Potter’s Marauder’s Map. He’s done maps for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and The Princess Bride.




My favorite DeGraff drawing is probably Back to the Future, with Hill Valley represented twice on the same page: 1955 in pink underneath 1985 in blue.


DeGraff collected these maps (and several more) into a book called Cinemaps. (via fairly interesting)