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Crazy Football Commentary, Animated!

I’ve shared animator Nick Murray Willis’ videos before — he takes snippets of sound & dialogue from sports commentary & movies and creates context-shifted animations from them. For instance, in the two videos above with football (soccer) commentary, a commentator’s chant of “Messi, Messi, Messi” becomes a French street performer thanking the crowd (“merci, merci, merci”).

(Ok, I’ve caught myself attempting to explain humor, so I’m gonna wrap this up by urging you to watch the videos if you want.)

Comments  3

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Kim D.

I'm at work, I couldn't watch more than a minute of this. I was suppressing hard laughter, using both hands to cover my mouth. I will wait until I'm not at work to watch. This has to be my new favorite video ever.

Jan Wedekind

This is absolutely glorious! 🤣

Steven M

Few things get me as excited as the screaming poetry of Peter Drury. This is brilliant.

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