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A Recent Seismic Map of the World

a world map of significant seismic activity over the last 44 years

From 1980 to the present, a timeline map of every earthquake in the world with a magnitude of 5 or above. You can play around with different parameters and data, so you can see where the different tectonic plates are, just see where the biggest earthquakes occurred, or add in volcanic eruptions. You can also draw a cross section and it will show how deep the quakes occurred along that line.

Discussion  3 comments

Rebecca Nelson

When I was an earth science teacher and we'd reached the start of the plate tectonics and earthquakes units, I'd print out simple world maps for my students and we'd keep track of similarly-sized quakes for a month or so. Eventually the quakes would form the outlines of the plates, just like this. (I loved that lesson. Long game, good payoff.)

As for My Overall Best Earth Science Lesson, however, the 2001 Nisqually Earthquake happening during 4th period takes the cake. Nothing like a practical lab on L-waves! ๐Ÿ˜…

Paul Burdick

Another recent volcanic article that readers might enjoy:

Jason KottkeMOD

Speaking of plate tectonics, it continues to astound me that electronic computers are older (by some 15-20 years!) than the widespread acceptance by geologists of plate tectonics (which happened in the 1960s).

In 1960, geologists still did not have a framework to understand volcanoes, earthquakes and other processes that shape Earth.

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