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Musical Interlude: Tracy Chapman, “Behind the Wall”

A couple weeks ago, music writer Hank Shteamer tweeted a link to Tracy Chapman’s 1988 song “Behind the Wall,” from her self-titled debut album, writing:

“Fast Car,” yes, for all eternity, but can we make some room for “Behind the Wall”? Made a huge impression back then and I’ve still never heard anything else like it. 110 seconds of unaccompanied voice. Spellbinding.

I hadn’t heard it in a while and was grateful for the reminder.

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David W

My sixth grade teacher played this for the class in 1989, and it blew us away

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Man, good for her

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Dan Martinez

All of the above, but also “If Not Now…” Thirty-six years later, I still haven’t heard a more perfect balance of weary sorrow and enduring hope.

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