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1600-Person Pub Choir Sings Radiohead’s Creep

Pub Choir is an Australia-based organization that gets large crowds singing popular tunes, in three-part harmony no less.

Everybody can sing. Like, not well, but literally. Why should being average at something stop you from doing it!? It hasn’t yet… Singing is good for you, it’s EASY, and Pub Choir is here to show you how.

With a show that is equal parts music, comedy, and beer, Pub Choir is a euphoric sensation that transforms a crowd of tipsy strangers into a legendary choir.

By the end of the show the YOU will be belting out a popular song in three-part harmony.

In the video above, they get a crowd of 1600 people signing Creep by Radiohead. Beautiful.

You can find more of their performances on their YouTube channel, including Tina Turner’s The Best, Africa by Toto, and Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty.

See also Choir! Choir! Choir! and their performances of Sinéad O’Connor’s Nothing Compares 2 U and David Byrne singing David Bowie’s Heroes. (thx, matthew)

Discussion  7 comments


Being part of a choir is one of the most glorious and humanity-affirming experiences.

Catherine Brennan

It is isn't it? I sang with an excellent choir when I was a kid (in Australia) and i still sing that music and still remember the joy.

Kristen Smith

This is why supporting your work is vital. What if I had never seen this incredible thing? Fantastic!

Reply in this thread

Reb Butler

I love this.

Colter Mccorkindale

My friend John Patterson (formerly of Australian band The Grates) is one of the touring musicians with Pub Choir. Strongly recommended if it's in your area.

Nelson Minar

This is wonderful! Also this happened in October 2022; talk about a repudiation of Covid isolation!

Matthew Marco

That's one clever deployment of a theremin.

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