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The Story of “The Wexford Carol”

Last night my family listened to “The Wexford Carol” after my husband asked if I knew about its backstory. I didn’t, but I learned that while the song is centuries old, it was only relatively recently transcribed.

There’s an affecting version of that story in a recent post on America: The Jesuit Review, by Maggi Van Dorn. “I have learned to take Christmas carols seriously,” she writes, “and to anticipate the epiphanies they may bear in my spiritual life as I contemplate them anew. […] As for ‘The Wexford Carol,’ it quietly survived over 400 years of British colonial suppression and was first put to paper in the small Irish village of Enniscorthy,” where she traveled to ask locals about the song.

The above Alison Krauss and Yo-Yo Ma rendition appears on Ma’s 2008 holiday album, Songs of Joy & Peace. Loreena McKennitt also has a beautiful version, as does the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which made a cheesy music video that also made me cry.

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Chris Farrell

Thank you for sharing this! It’s been my favorite carol since childhood and I had no idea about the origins.

The Chieftains did a beautiful rendition with Nanci Griffith.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Wow, yes! This version is fantastic!!

Jason Packham

Came here to recommend the Chieftans/Nanci Griffith version. One of my favorites, too.

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