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Ollie Kottke

Dear internet, I’d like you to meet Ollie Kottke.

Ollie Kottke

Some vital statistics: He was born on July 3 just before 1pm, weighed about 7 lbs., 2 oz., loves to eat (and then sleep), is O.K. (ha!), dislikes sponge baths, unfortunately doesn’t have any descenders in his name, both mom and baby are home and doing fine, Ollie is not a particularly popular name right now (and is not short for Oliver), and I’ve never been quite so content as when he fell asleep on my chest yesterday and we snoozed together on the couch for an hour or so. A little slice of heaven.

Also, I’m going to be taking about two months of paternity leave from working on I’ll probably post a few things here and there when I can, but it won’t be a priority by any means. I hope you all have a good rest of the summer and that you’ll find the site again when I start back up in the fall.

Update: Meg has a post up too and there are photos on Flickr.