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Seeking someone for a December project

I am looking for an intern-type person to work on a project to commence almost immediately and lasting until the end of the year. Basically I have an idea for a thing and I don’t have the time to do it, so I’m looking for someone who wants to own the project and I’ll just be the publisher/overseeing editor/moral support. You need to know how to organize, write fluent English in short bursts, *love* lists, have good “hey, this is cool” spotting instincts, and be generally comfortable with using web publishing tools. PHP skills would be a huge plus. Time involved will vary but will be a few hours a day to start (first 3-5 days) and probably less than an hour a day afterwards, probably something that could be done in the evening if you have a dayjob but are really interested. You can be located anywhere in the world, although if you’re in NYC, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee and we can talk about the project in person.

I can’t offer to pay because while it’s a fun idea, it’s not necessarily a lucrative idea, but you’ll get full credit on the site multiple times and pretty much free reign to do what you’d like within the initial parameters of the project.

Seriously interested? Send me an email (no attachments!) with any information you feel I need to know about you and your abilities/talents/interest level. Thanks!

Update: Wow, what a response! Thanks to everyone who responded for taking the time to reply, but I’ve got enough to choose from for now. I wish I had projects for everybody, you’re a talented and motivated group!