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Help wanted

I’m looking for a writer/blogger** to work on a short-duration project. You must be available from 10/30 to 11/6, not counting the weekend. There’s a small budget available if you wish to be financially compensated. The resulting project will be featured on the front page of with full credit to the author…this isn’t some behind-the-scenes thing. Apologies if all that’s intentionally vague, but I’ll share the full details with the applicants.

If you’re interested in applying, send an email to [email protected] containing: 1) a subject line of “ feedback - Oct project”, 2) a one-paragraph cover “letter” of no more than 6-7 sentences, and 3) links to your resume (if you have one), your blog (ditto), and any applicable writing/editing/blogging samples. Use your own discretion as to what to reveal about yourself. Any email with attachments or excessive paragraphs will be deleted unread or will be read and then mocked. Publicly. Those who enjoy reading but are unlike me, demographically speaking, are particularly encouraged to apply. Thanks!

** Update: To clarify slightly, I don’t necessarily need someone who is a writer or blogger professionally, just someone who can write or blog, no matter their training or profession.

Update: Hi, I think I’ve got all the applicants I need for now. Thanks to all for your interest.