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I’m honored that the excellent File Magazine

I’m honored that the excellent File Magazine has added my photo of the man by the fountain in the Jardin des Tuileries to their collection.

Great photo of a skater in Tribeca Park

Great photo of a skater in Tribeca Park.

Dressed as their favorite characters from a Wes Anderson movie

Dressed as their favorite characters from a Wes Anderson movie.

Robert Clark usually shoots for the likes

Robert Clark usually shoots for the likes of National Geographic and Vanity Fair, but he’s currently crossing the country taking photos exclusively with a cameraphone.

Nikon is coming out with new D-SLRs soon

Nikon is coming out with new D-SLRs soon. The successor to the Nikon D70 (dammit, I just got mine a few months ago!) as well as a more entry-level D-SLR.

Color photos of World War II

Over a thousand color photographs of World War II.

Color photos of World War I

Some color photos of World War I. More here.

Hubble photographs unique rectangular nebula

Hubble photographs unique rectangular nebula.

Rephotographing Eugene Atget’s photos of Paris

Rephotographing Eugene Atget’s photos of Paris. I wanted to do this someday.

Amazing Hubble photo of Saturn’s rings

Amazing Hubble photo of Saturn’s rings.

Tugboat limbo

Now you’ve seen everything: a tugboat doing the limbo. (via mb)

Update: Found this while rooting around in my archives and updated the broken link. A classic internet meme.

Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii

These color photographs of circa-1915 Tsarist Russia by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii are amazing (particularly these two).