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The Dance of a Murmuration of Starlings

A collection of starlings is called a murmuration and when they roam the skies together, it’s beautiful.

This video is more artistic than the one I linked to in 2011, but the birds are super close in the older one:

According to paleontologist Gareth Dyke, “fossil evidence

According to paleontologist Gareth Dyke, “fossil evidence that [predatory] dinosaurs were feathered is now ‘irrefutable’”. Digitally remastered Jurassic Park can’t be too far down the road.

The club-winged manakin sings by playing its

The club-winged manakin sings by playing its feathers like a washboard. Crickets do this, but the manakin is the first vertebrate observed to do it.

Pigeon attack!

Pigeon attack!.