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Here Is What Happens When You Cast Lindsay Lohan in Your Movie

I enjoyed every minute of this behind-the-scenes piece by Stephen Rodrick on the making of Paul Schrader’s The Canyons.

Lindsay Lohan moves through the Chateau Marmont as if she owns the place, but in a debtor-prison kind of way. She’ll soon owe the hotel $46,000. Heads turn subtly as she slinks toward a table to meet a young producer and an old director. The actress’s mother, Dina Lohan, sits at the next table. Mom sweeps blond hair behind her ear and tries to eavesdrop. A few tables away, a distinguished-looking middle-aged man patiently waits for the actress. He has a stack of presents for her.

Here’s a scene from the movie:

The end of an era

Lindsay Lohan is out of jail today and thus ends my favorite part of the internet for the past 3 weeks. Dear Lindsay Lohan will not be updated anymore, but the previously written postcards will remain as letters to posterity.