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The Strange Energy of 50th Birthdays

In writing about model Kate Moss turning 50, Zoe Williams explores the weird cultural energy around people’s 50th birthdays. I loved this short anecdote + observation:

A friend of mine manages an event place in Scotland, and they’ve banned 50ths. Hen nights, stag dos, 40ths, no problem: but some combination of the manic nihilism that sweeps over people and the middle-aged mal-coordination that crept up on them leads to a wild amount of breakage.

Lol. I turned 50 back in September and I had a lovely and quiet dinner with friends โ€” I may have had two cocktails and a nightcap (!!!) but there was no breakage or manic nihilism. I know a lot of folks who read the site are around my age โ€” have you noticed any 50th birthday craziness in your lives?

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