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Isometric Drawings of Japanese Bathhouses and Cafes

isometric cutaway drawing of a Japanese bathhouse

isometric cutaway drawing of a Japanese cafe

isometric cutaway drawing of a Japanese multi-use establishment

I love these isometric cutaway drawings by Japanese illustrator & architect Enya Honami. From Spoon & Tamago:

Honami is a skilled draughtswoman by trade, having obtained an MFA in architecture and working at a well-known Japanese architecture firm. But the grueling hours and workload eventually weighed on her physical and mental state and she fell ill, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Enya’s doctor advised her to take some time off, and find a place where she can relax and warm her body. That’s how she discovered Kosugiyu, her local sento in Koenji. She quickly fell in love with her local hotbath and not only started working there but also began employing her architectural rendering skills to create illustrations of the space. Soon, others began asking her to draw their hotbaths as well and her clientele expanded from sento and even spread to kissaten.

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