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Watch full-length movies on YouTube

This Reddit group is collecting links to full-length movies and TV shows that are available on YouTube. Like this unauthorized copy of Django Unchained:

See if you can get through the whole thing before it gets taken down.

Update: David reminded me that you can actually watch full-length movies and TV shows on YouTube for a rental fee. (thx, david)

First trailer for Tarantino’s Django Unchained

It’s a Western film about bounty hunting starring Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Christoph Waltz.

Tarantino’s next movie: Django Unchained

Hint: it’s not about the Python MVC frameworkDjango Unchained is Tarantino’s spaghetti western.

According to Indiewire, Waltz’s character “joins up with former slave Django to save his wife from an evil plantation owner.” According to Deadline, Django will reunite Tarantino with Pulp Fiction producer Stacey Sher, and the movie will begin production as soon as this summer or fall.

Christoph Waltz, who was excellent in Inglourious Basterds, and perhaps Will Smith, who was excellent in the Parents Just Don’t Understand video, will star.