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How to Persuade the Vaccine Hesitant

I loved this short thread from Andrew Miller about how his pediatrician wife helps parents who are skeptical of vaccinating their children change their minds.

So my wife is a pediatrician and works in some hospitals with high vaccine and intervention hesitation (suburban ones). She has found *tremendous* success by just letting the families know she will have to document the higher risk of specific, and often fatal illness, in the chart of their child.

She explains that if their child goes to the ER, the ER might not think to ask about routine newborn care that the parents opted out of, so by putting it in the chart she might be saving the child from this very specific thing. But just as important it makes it feel REAL to the parents.

She identifies and describes the specific thing that their child is now more likely to die from. In detail, including symptoms to watch out for. It’s not abstract. It’s visceral.


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