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Superman Trailer

Hmm. I don’t know. I haven’t liked Superman in a movie since the early 80s. What do you think? Does Superman even make sense as a contemporary superhero?

Comments  13

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Tim Calvin

Does it make sense? Maybe. The problem I end up having is thus: he's not human, and the scale of the conflicts required to tax him are inhuman as well, and that's... not very interesting to me.
On the other hand, the problems he deals with that are human and that his powers don't help with at all- those could be interesting.
So him learning how to have a real adult relationship? Maybe neat. Him fighting whatever super-big-bad from setting the world on fire? I'm not that interested.

Worker Bee

I'd much rather see a Wonderman movie.

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Worker Bee

What a waste of time. Not even Superdog is enough to make this interesting. Now, Supercat? Maybe...but only when it's streaming and there's absolutely nothing left to watch.

Eric M

I'll say I love that theme song. An all timer. I was so-so on Superman for most of my life, but the recent animated series My Adventures with Superman made me love the story. It really outlined the struggle he has of saving the people of a planet that hate him. I'll be curious if that comes off well in this film. Based on the trailer, my concern is what I have regularly with Gunn - cramming too much in. There were a lot of characters shown in this trailer. I hope it's not too busy.

Wayne Bremser

I was following along and then suddenly in the last 20 seconds it was like "did we mention there are six different Aliens Doing Destructive Things in this movie?!"

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Jeremy Latour Edited

A, there's always room for a new Superman, and I don't see any reason that new filmmakers shouldn't take a crack at him.

B, if you treat Superman as a Hero Demigod™, he's boring. If you treat him as Clark Kent, a human with an impossible amount of expectations thrust upon him, he can be as interesting as any other character.

Gunn has proven to me that he's more interested in people than gods, so I'm stoked.

Carleton A

When I think about Superman I always think about this Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comic that argues maybe the best use of Superman is to just turn a big crank and create free energy for everyone forever.

Nathan Huening

Superman is an immigrant from a place destroyed by political infighting and climate change whose efforts are being targeted for destruction by billionaires yet he is still trying his best to do right by his adopted home and resists the temptation to use his great power to rule others by force

I can imagine it would be hard to make this character relevant to modern audiences ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Michael Sippey

Can't wait to stream this at home!

David Friedman

I think I read somewhere that Gunn acknowledged that Superman is not the interesting character in his stories, but it’s the people around him who are interesting characters. I guess something good can be done with that as a point of view for telling a Superman story, but I am feeling a bit burnt out on Superman.

Nicolas Magand Edited

I liked the trailer. Indeed, Superman doesn’t make sense as a contemporary superhero but that is precisely what’s so interesting to me about this character. There is an opportunity for the movie to be out of the genre. I liked Man of Steel for that reason too, it felt very biblical.

Dirk Bergstrom

This is probably going to fall under my rule for movies based on overused IP (Marvel, Star Wars, etc.):

If it gets better than 98% on the Tomatometer and several people I know and respect recommend it I will consider watching.

Or maybe I'll stream it when I'm sick, or injured, or drunk...


They figured out how to resurrect the spirit of the 80's with Top Gun remake/ Guardians of the Galaxy. I think the music in this trailer even sounds like Top Gun. This is gonna rock.

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