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Ed Yong on Breaking Down and Putting Yourself Back Together

My favorite presentation at XOXO this year was Ed Yong’s talk about the pandemic, journalism, his work over the past four years, and the personal toll that all those things took on him. I just watched the entire thing again, riveted the whole time.

Hearing how thoughtfully & compassionately he approached his work during the pandemic was really inspirational: “My pillars are empathy, curiosity, and kindness — and much else flows from that.” And his defense of journalism, especially journalism as “a caretaking profession”:

For people who feel lost and alone, we get to say through our work: you are not. For people who feel like society has abandoned them and their lives do not matter, we get to say: actually, they fucking do. We are one of the only professions that can do that through our work and that can do that at scale — a scale commensurate with many of the crises that we face.

Then, it was hard to hear about how his work “completely broke” him. To say that Yong’s experience mirrored my own is, according to the mild PTSD I’m experiencing as I consider everything he related in that video, an understatement. We covered the pandemic in different ways, but like Yong, I was completely consumed by it. I read hundreds(/thousands?) of stories, papers, and posts a week for more than a year, wrote hundreds of posts, and posted hundreds of links, trying to make sense of what was happening so that, hopefully, I could help others do the same. The sense of purpose and duty I felt to my readers — and to reality — was intense, to the point of overwhelm.

Like Yong, I eventually had to step back, taking a seven-month sabbatical in 2022. I didn’t talk about the pandemic at all in that post, but in retrospect, it was the catalyst for my break. Unlike Yong, I am back at it: hopefully more aware of my limits, running like it’s an ultramarathon rather than a sprint, trying to keep my empathy for others in the right frame so I can share their stories effectively without losing myself.1

I didn’t get a chance to meet Yong in person at XOXO, so: Ed, thank you so much for all of your marvelous work and amazing talk and for setting an example of how to do compassionate, important work without compromising your values. (And I love seeing your bird photos pop up on Bluesky.)

  1. I hope that makes sense? Sometimes you can feel the pain of others so intensely that it renders you useless to help them or to keep yourself afloat. So you’re still empathetic and open to the experiences of others, but in a much more functional and constructive way.

Discussion  1 comment

Bert Vanderveen

In my life there have been several instances where landing in a downward spiral and deep depression could have happened. And maybe it did, in hindsight.
But what really did me in was and still is the human catastrophe in the Middle East. I feel so sad about the fate of especially the children suffering from a fight that is way above their heads. And there is almost nothing I can do, apart from donating to War Child, the UNCHR and such…
Yesterday a news item on tv brought it really home: a dead baby in the arms of her big brother, whose anguish was beyond words. I sat there on my comfy couch in my comfy home in a country that hasn’t known war for almost 80 years, and cried like I haven’t done since my wonderful girlfriend died twelve years ago. It broke my heart.
I guess every person has their trigger where they can go to pieces. It is good to have an opportunity to talk about it. And hear others doing that.
Thank you for this, Jason.

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