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Dua Lipa’s (Proper) Tiny Desk Concert

In 2020, during the dark days of our first pandemic winter, Dua Lipa played NPR’s Tiny Desk Concert remotely from London, which is still the most popular Tiny Desk of all time (130M views). This week, NPR had Lipa ‘round the office for a proper set, with the singer playing four songs off of her latest album, Radical Optimism.

Befitting an artist whose newest songs often reflect the pursuit of personal growth โ€” see: “Happy for You” โ€” Lipa and her team breezed through the NPR Music offices with a mix of low-drama professionalism and unmistakable warmth. We’ve dealt with a lot of stars (and their teams) over the years, and as often as people ask us to dish about people who’ve been difficult, we’ve mostly accumulated stories of people who’ve been lovely to have around. Even among all those, Lipa and her people stood out: They were kind, gracious, fun and game.

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