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Lane 8 Season Mixtapes

I don’t remember how I happened upon them, but I’ve been enjoying Lane 8’s seasonal mixtapes for the past few years โ€” good upbeat music to work to.

He’s been doing these for 11 years. The Denver DJs mixes are available on Soundcloud, YouTube, and Apple Music. The fall 2024 mix should be out very soon!

Discussion  2 comments

Chris Koerner

His 2018 album Little by Little has been in constant rotation since I stumbled across it. I particularly like the tracks "No Captain" and "Atlas". "Daya" is also nice.

Paul Pomeroy

When you're done working ... Late Night Jazz (Apple Music) is a playlist I started in on simply because I like the music Harry Bosch (from the TV series "Bosch") played, usually late at night when he got home and was trying to process the day's events. For whatever reason, I just kept working on it and it's now over 8 hours of music. It's also up on Spotify. Listen to it in Shuffle Mode.

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