Artificial General Intelligence Might Be Humanity’s Last Invention
Humans are the first and, to our knowledge, only entities on Earth to develop general intelligence, which has allowed us to dominate and alter the planet in a way and at a speed that no other entity has managed. Now, some people are working towards building an artificial general intelligence. So what happens when humans are matched or even far outclassed by this new general intelligence?
Such an intelligence explosion might lead to a true superintelligent entity. We don’t know what such a being would look like, what its motives or goals would be, what would go on in its inner world. We could be as laughably stupid to a superintelligence as squirrels are to us. Unable to even comprehend its way of thinking.
This hypothetical scenario keeps many people up at night. Humanity is the only example we have of an animal becoming smarter than all others โ and we have not been kind to what we perceive as less intelligent beings. AGI might be the last invention of humanity.
Comments 1
I have truly enjoyed all the Kurzgesagt videos posted on Until now. From what I understand, there is zero notion of how the current AI models, including LLMs, could have a path to AGI. It's completely speculative, and therefore not particularly useful to think or worry about. I was hoping for a debunking here, even a polemic! :-(
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