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๐Ÿšจ New Every Frame a Painting!! ๐Ÿšจ

I just got back from the XOXO Festival and one of things that happened was that Taylor Ramos and Tony Zhou showed their new short film The Second and their first new Every Frame A Painting video essay in eight years!! And now the video essay is on YouTube:

It’s a quick one about the sustained two-shot, a type of shot that was used a lot in the olden days but still has its uses today โ€” and gives actors room to actually act.

So happy to see Ramos and Zhou back at it. I’m not sure if I should even say this, but they indicated during their XOXO appearance that there will be more to come (in fewer than 8 years).

Here’s my post about them shuttering the channel and a few of my favorite videos of theirs.

Discussion  2 comments

Jeff Koke

I'm surprised they didn't include some examples from When Harry Met Sally... So many scenes in that move that are sustained two-shots. The moving sidewalk in the airport scene in particular is incredible ( but there are so many others.

CW Moss

Every Frame a Painting forever! I've thought about subscribing to the Criterion Channel for the sole reason of seeing his essays โ€” but I was never able to see if they were in the same vein.

Does anyone know? I'll probably end up subscribing anyway, but I already have too many.

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