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Point Break & Kathryn Bigelow’s Revolutionary POV Shots

In this video, Evan Puschak takes a close look at the iconic chase scene in Point Break to see how director Kathryn Bigelow uses POV shots to help put the viewer right into the action in a way that is incredibly immersive. Oh, and there a surprise appearance by Disneyland’s Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

Confession: I have never seen Point Break. Guess I should watch it now?

Discussion  4 comments

Broccoli of Doom

Never seen Point Break before!?! Lucky...

Hugh C. McBride

Since we're sharing our cultural oversights, I've watched Point Break many, many times, yet somehow never realized (or possibly forgot?) that it was directed by Kathryn Bigelow.

And yes, I'd advise you to watch it when you have the time. A really fun action film with a strong 80s/90s vibe.


You’re so lucky. Iconic 90’s nostalgia bomb.

Andrew Lilja

Point Break, aka the thinking man's Fast and Furious.

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