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A Documentary Film About Jim Henson

Two of my biggest childhood touchstones were Sesame Street and the Muppet Show. The creative spark behind both shows was Jim Henson, the subject of a forthcoming documentary directed by Ron Howard. From the press release:

Produced with the full participation and cooperation of the Henson family, “Jim Henson Idea Man” is an unprecedented, intimate look at Henson’s illustrious, revolutionary career and complex personal life. Using never-before-seen personal archival home movies, photographs, sketches, and Henson’s personal diaries, as well as interviews with those who knew him best, the film is the definitive portrait of one of the world’s most inspiring and iconoclastic creators.

Jim Henson Idea Man will be available to stream on Disney+ on Friday. (via the kid should see this)

Comments  2

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Eric M

Been thinking a lot about masculinity lately, spurred on by my son turning nine and causing many "what should a dad be?" / "what should a man be?" thoughts. And after watching this trailer it made me realize that Jim Henson is an ideal "man" to me. He's passionate. Creative. Caring. Kind. Driven. All features I know I wish to embody and would happily see any other man showcase.

Jennifer L Levering

I am so excited to see this... also a little hesitant about the emotions I know it will bring up. I consider both Jim Henson and Mr. Rogers to be integral parts of my childhood and I know I wouldn't be the person I am without their gifts to humanity. (I watched the Mr. Rogers doc on an airplane which was a HUGE mistake!)

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