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Viral Videos I Missed: Is This Available? (Attorney General)

I missed this when it first came out — way back in 2021 — but my friend shared it in a group chat the other day, and it made me laugh out loud. It has 9 million views; where have I been?? But in the spirit of “sharing stuff I love, even if it’s old,” I post it here anyway. The 15,000-pound horse one is also great. Even … catchy? Creator Lubalin is a “regular” musician, too. (Thanks, Lucy!)

(To make sure Jason hadn’t already blogged about this, I searched the site for “attorney general,” lol. There were posts. But not about this.)

Discussion  2 comments

Jason KottkeMOD

My favorite of his, by far, is she stole my broccoli casserole recipe. Total banger. Thanks for the reminder!

Carleton A

Amazing. It's not quite the same thing, but it's giving me very Zendaya is Meechee vibes

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