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Stephen D’Onofrio’s Fruit Art


I recently discovered the “pile of fruit”-themed art of Stephen D’Onofrio. I love it! The strawberries are a preliminary sketch, but they’re what drew me in, and the rest are paintings. He’s represented by Dallas’s Galleri Urbane. I also like his “trees fitting exactly in the canvas” paintings.


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find myself searching for someone buried in each of these fruit paintings ... not in a macabre way, just like, hanging out in the fruit, like a ball pit

Louise Hornor

They are not just hanging out, they are critiquing the fruit ball pit!

(Both your comments made me laugh!)

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also this is funny from his bio "The painter distills, consolidates, and appropriates the overwhelming amount of generic design aesthetic in the commercial decor market. Rather than fight the inherent kitschiness of this visual language, he embraces the imagery so his canvases can, in turn, become a critique of the subject it represents."

oh you think this looks nice? it's actually a CRITIQUE of things that look nice

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