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Celebrity Marathoners


In case anyone saw the news that Lil Nas X ran a half-marathon last weekend and then thought, Hm I wonder if other celebrities have run marathons? (as I did), the answer is: Yes, a lot, and last fall Runners World put together a long list of them, with each of the runners’ times. Shoutout to Bryan Cranston for running a 3:20! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Elsewhere in marathon news, Romper has a good story about a marathoner recovering from a birth injury. (“I’m losing my mind a little bit.”)

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Durian Schmell

Joe Strummer? Flea? Hell yeah. I like that the punk rockers are doing it too!

Do they really have to put finishing times next to the names though? I know everyone is obsessed with finishing times but it should be a private matter unless you are professional.

Chris Bredesen

Eddie Izzard ran 32 marathons in 31 days, for charity. Unreal.

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