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Lego Letterpress Lobster

a letterpress print of a lobster

Check out this letterpress print of a lobster made by Eunice Chiong with Lego pieces as the stamps (watch a short video of her printing process). Chiong has been working with Legos and letterpress for many months now…check out more of her creations on Instagram and in her portfolio.

See also Letterpress Prints of Birds Printed Using Lego Bricks.

Comments  2

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Jenni Leder

This reminds me of the PRIXEl kit. A Lego-like letterpress kit that Iโ€™m getting my niece for her birthday.

CW Moss

These are quite lovely. And I love that it's LEGO connected.

Reminds me of a minimal Siggi Eggertsson:

He's always been one of my favorites.

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