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Looking for a Job? Looking for Employees?

Want to try a thing? I don’t know if running a job board in the comments section of a blog is a good idea, but if you are out there looking for work, post a quick summary of what you do, what you’re looking for, and a link to your resume/portfolio/LinkedIn/contact info and maybe someone here will see it and want to hire you. Likewise, if you or your company/organization has job openings, post a brief description and a link to the opening(s). Full-time, freelance, remote-only, in-person, tech, non-tech, anything goes.

Since comments can only be left by members, if you’re not a member and are looking for work, send me your comment via email and I will post it for you. (If you are on the hiring side, you can afford to expense the membership fee to post a job posting. 😉 But if you’re a non-profit, email away!) Update: This thread is winding down, so I’m closing listings via email.

I don’t know what counts as spammy when I’m literally asking for ppl to post links, etc. but if it happens, I’ll delete spam listings.

Oh, and I’m happy to accept finders fees if your company hires someone from the comments here. Ok, let’s see what you’ve got.

Discussion  60 comments

Jason KottkeMOD

An emailed listing from Kerri:

I am a copywriter with 17 years of experience in marketing, public relations, and advertising. I’m also a self-taught graphic designer. I’m looking for full-time and/or contract work that is remote in nature. My portfolio can be found at

Aric Allen

Thanks for the great idea, Jason. I am looking for work. I produce short YouTube docs and podcasts for non-profits. My portfolio of recent work is and my personal podcast is Finally, my LinkedIn profile is

Timothy C Truxell

Great idea! I am a content and experience strategist with over 20 years of experience. In January 2020 (great timing right), I started my own company provide my services to interested clients, and I'm always open for a new contract. Find out more about me at My personal ramblings can be found at

Jason KottkeMOD

From the inbox:

Reproductive Freedom for All is the country's largest and oldest abortion rights and reproductive rights advocacy organization, based in Washington DC (our formal name was NARAL Pro-Choice America — we rebranded in Sept 2023). Most of our staff work remote, but it just so happens four of our current open positions need to be Washington DC based. The 5th position needs to be Arizona based, due to the nature of the work.

David Friedman

What a great idea. I’m a video producer / director with a long history of making internet documentaries (branded and otherwise), some of which Jason has even shared on this site over the years. I’ve also made a lot of advocacy PSA-style pieces, including one that means a lot to me: a national campaign spot that was instrumental in getting Congress to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, which Biden signed into law as part of the Inflation Reduction Act. I’m pretty proud of that one. I’m definitely looking for more work, short term or otherwise. I’m based in DC but for you, I’ll travel. Check out my work at

Sean K

Hi All - I'm an architect working out of Brooklyn NY and the Mid Hudson Valley and am always looking for like-minded clients to develop thoughtful and well-intentioned solutions to problems and ideas of all sorts.

My work can be found at

Thanks Jason!

Jason KottkeMOD

Ok, here are a few submissions via the inbox:

  • I have a background in building HR & Recruiting processes for startups. I'm looking for a tech company where I can solve problems related to talent, culture, and diversity & inclusion. Thank you!

  • I’m a product designer (ui/ux) looking for work on any fun fast teams. That’s typically been in-house at early to mid stage startups. My portfolio site has more career highlights:

  • 10 years in tech support. 20 years in retail. Also have experience with case management, and creative writing at Looking for remote work, using my tech skills to bring value to others. Get in touch: nashp[at]me[dot]com

  • I’m looking for work as a special effects artist for independent films and documentaries. The last project was in Dayton, Ohio, a cool little epic about hauling a couch across town. Here’s my resume, my reel is on Insta

  • Hello, my name is Nate and I'm a tech professional (15 years experience) looking to transition from Product Management into a Support Leadership role like I've done in the past. I look to bring product, project, and team management experience to an exciting new role in Support and/or People Operations. I can be reached at [email protected]

  • I'm on the lookout for the next place I can make a difference. I've been in video post production for almost 20 years and was part of the team at Condé Nast who unfortunately was a part of the downsizing. I've worked in everything from tv to features to advertising, but my specialty is in digital spaces. Lately I've been managing teams to optimize their efficiency, which has been a real challenge in a remote pandemic setting, but I enjoy a little bit of a challenge and the feeling that I'm making a difference. Check me out on LinkedIn!

  • My name is Scott Mioduszewski and I am a Sr. User Experience (UX) Designer. I've got over a decade in UX design and UX research. I really enjoy hearing how people use software and take their frustrations and start to sketch solutions by creating mockups / wireframes / prototypes for them. My website is and my LinkedIn is

  • My name is Jinjer Markley. I'm an illustrator. I particularly love illustrating book covers and lovely how-to cartoons, and have a science background and a deep interest in mindfulness. My website is My handle for all social media/LinkedIn accounts is jinjermarkley. I use Instagram the most.

Kevin Miller

Very nice idea! I'm a (very) experienced instructional designer and technical writer, with a side hustle as a voiceover artist. I'm on Amsterdam time, but also a US citizen, so can work remotely on either continent. More info at Voiceover demo reel is at

Eric Nevin

I run a noncommercial website dedicated to the 500-year-old technique of letterpress printing, the internet of its time. Launched in 1995, the site has itself become a very old internet object. It contains irreplaceable knowledge contributed over decades by countless printers, but fails to meet current usability and accessibility standards, and needs a complete overhaul. If you share a passion for vintage machinery, metal type, and printing history, and have experience in back-end or front-end development, UI/UX design, grant writing, or nonprofit administration, please introduce yourself. Thanks for the space Jason!

Ben Kiel

Briar press is the best place ever — so happy to see this



Reply in this thread

Adrian Schaedle

Hello! What a great idea — I can't think of a better place to find like-minded people than this site.

I'm a New York based software developer and designer with a decade of experience. Previously, I've worked on projects like Lobe, a tool to democratize machine learning, and littleBits, a Lego-like toy and DIY platform for creating circuits and inventions. I'm capable of working from user interfaces down to bits and atoms, but I think web-based tools are where I can make the most impact.

I'm looking for medium-term (3 month) contract work to explore the future of user interfaces, in particular ones that don't rely on putting on goggles or surrendering to omnipresent AI. I am also interested in full-time work for the right company. You can reach out through my website if you'd like to talk more or request a full CV.

Eric Goff

This is early stage, but I'm planning to hire someone in the data/policy visualization space in the next six months for my consulting company. We focus on energy and climate issues and I need to be able to explain complex policy issues in simple ways. Reach out on LinkedIn if you're interested. Can be anywhere, but ideally you're willing to be in Austin.

Iancu Barbarasa

Thanks very much Jason, very kind of you to set this up!

I'm a graphic designer and illustrator based in London, UK. I have almost 20 years of experience during which I've worked with clients and agencies from all over the world. I do brand identities, logos, print and digital design, pattern design, illustration and hand-lettering. I've also done two short films, one about collecting and one about drawing flowers, which Jason kindly featured on the website here (thanks again !).

You can find many project examples on my website here: — I'm also on Instagram here: where I often post my sketchbooks, if you're into that.

Thanks and all the best!

Matthew Battles

For something completely different: I work at Harvard's Arnold Arboretum, where I edit the magazine. The Arboretum is looking for a new Director of IT, which is a senior exec job with all the admin you would expect (vendor relations, infrastructure, cybersecurity, etc.). It is also a giant museum of trees, more than 150 years old, with incredible data to steward, process, and use. My hope is that we can find someone creative and ambitious, who can see the potential for connecting these data and making them impactful for the people who care for the collections, for researchers, and for public knowledge. (I don't have any say in the hire, but am happy to talk with interested/curious folks.)

Here's the posting:

Jason KottkeMOD

Some more listings from the inbox:

  • I'm a Project Management Professional from Winnipeg, MB, Canada with a strong background in programming, networking, bare metal infrastructure, virtualization (Citrix, VMWare, Hyper-V), and security. I'm looking for a company where I can help deliver IT projects.

  • My name is Michael Miller, and I'm a freelance designer specializing in branding, landing pages, pitch decks, and one-sheets. Check out I'm looking for freelance, preferably long-term contracts.

  • Hello! I am a freelance video editor and motion graphic animator and I would love to help readers with any video editing help they might need. I have mostly worked in progressive politics but am happy to talk about any projects, big or small, that people have in mind. You can see my favorite examples of my work at my website,, which has contact info as well.

  • I'm Ste Grainer, a UX / product / web designer in Richmond, VA with over 20 years of experience on web, mobile, and elsewhere. I love working with smaller companies, nonprofits, and state organizations to help them make better sites and applications. (I love making the web a better place for people.) I'm happy to collaborate remotely, or in person in central Virginia. My site is at:

Drew McManus

Hi everyone (and thanks, Jason!). I run a technology consultancy called 33 Teams. We help with software strategy, product management, product design, and software development. We work with companies large and small to help them deliver software applications, but also to get better at delivering software.

We have a client project wrapping up soon, so we have some availability coming up. Here is more info about 33 Teams and me personally.

Jason KottkeMOD

Even more from the inbox:

  • I'm an experienced front-end web developer with a strong focus on usability, accessibility, and building things that make users happy. I like solving problems for people and making their lives better. My LinkedIn is at: I'm available for hybrid jobs in NYC, or remote anywhere.

  • My name is Kevin McCraney. I am a senior data engineer, consultant, and educator. I like to work with public sector & large-scale institutions to build data processing infrastructure & improve data literacy. I can do a lot of different things—before my current roles in insurance & teaching at the college level, I worked with computer vision applications for counting fish (yes, really), and instructional design for business education.

    I'm open to new roles, short-term contracts, and just generally making new connections, especially learning about organizations where there's a decidedly ethical dimension to the mission & vision. My website is and my LinkedIn is

Stephen Mc

What a great idea! I'm based in Bristol in the UK, but open to fully remote work. My background is IT architecture and leading technical teams, mostly around Microsoft technologies. I'd really like to work for a startup or small organisation looking to grow. I could be very useful anywhere that is trying to sell software to large enterprises, or is planning to scale up to that size. My LinkedIn profile is here.

Matt G

I'm currently in Helena, Montana where I've been running a small ISP for the past decade. My family and I are planning on moving to Europe in the near future, so I'm looking for remote work. As the founder of this ISP, and from my work at other small ISPs, I have an extensive range of skills from network architecture and design, to system administration and dev ops, to fiber construction with horizontal drills and excavators.

Remote work will give us the flexibility to move on our own terms, but I'm also open to an onsite job if it makes sense. We've been looking at northern Europe, so generally the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland/Scotland, and Denmark.

Nat D

I'm a creative director and designer with over 20 years experience in hospitality & tourism, senior living, business-to-business and more. I do brand identity and strategy, print, digital and illustration. Looking for full time remote opportunities. My portfolio is


Yasss! Even though there were many community introductions, this human is INFINITELY inquisitive about the fans who frequent this site. I am a Creative Director 17+ years honing the craft of audience engagement. I have an agile skillset and in the last few years have designed the brand strategy, brand platform and product for a modern urns company (yes! I designed modernist urns and they're fucking beautiful) and a Lady Di experience in Vegas (yes, this did require multiple trips to Vegas, which is the antithesis of my entire being.) Find me here: or or on a bike in PDX.

Peter Schaefer

Thank you for the opportunity, Jason!

I'm an unusual beast: a tabletop game designer, game writer, and worldbuilder with decades of experience working on tabletop roleplaying games (the most famous being Dungeons & Dragons) and related setting material. I'm interested in remote freelance work and consultancy contracts. You can find my work here:

Matthew Marco

Hello fellow Kottke members - I'm a New York based user experience / digital product designer actively seeking either:

1. A director-level design role managing and nurturing a growing team, or
2. A short-term freelance design role

My portfolio is at:


My name is Ryan. I'm a tenaciously curious problem solver. Besides pre-"career" jobs in technical support and working in the film and video industry, I've made the first portion of my professional career in manufacturing and process design within the aerospace industry, and now I'm looking to leverage experiences from graduate education and recent work experiences to transition to roles that probably have titles like UX Research, product design, or product management.

A bonus would be one of these roles with a company doing work related to spatial computing, IoT, or manufacturing. Find me on LinkedIn.

Jason Robinson

Hello, fellow readers (And thank you for this space, Jason)!

I’m a UX/Product designer (and Manager) with 12+ years of experience and a Masters in Public Interest Tech focused on the ethics of care for product design in Augmented Reality.

Career highlights include leading UX and acting as Product Manager for the full functional redesign of a state university’s marketing & internal websites. I’ve also led UX for 3 games, across indie / startup / studio contexts.

My team was laid off in September, and I am actively looking for full-time or contract work. Specialties and key interests:

  • UX for games & stories
  • ????

  • App/product design (esp. for Apple platforms) ????
  • AR/MR (esp. for VisionOS) ????

… but also, after 4+ months of searching, I’d love to chat about any opportunities you might have in the UX space. ????????

Jason Robinson

Reply in this thread

Rick S

I’m a math teacher. Not really looking to move on, and it’s unlikely that anyone will be in my area to apply, but I would like to make a blanket plug for teaching careers, which tend to announce openings in March. There are shortages all over, and because of that many districts are open to alternative/provisional certification. Obviously there are reasons for the shortages, but if it’s something you enjoy, there is no other job like it.

Chris Pultz

Seconded! The public perception is often correct; jobs in public education do not pay well, take emotional strength, and have Sisyphean struggles. However, they have amazing upsides. I wish more people would consider them. You actually make a difference in the lives of students (and parents), and you get to work with the most amazing people in your city. Not all jobs are in classrooms. Most school districts need IT workers of all trades, and if you love the challenge of a "trying to do more with less" ethos, you might be surprised how much you love it! Plus, you get a great pension in most states if you stay long enough. Take a look at school district websites for postings, many are allowing total or partial remote work these days.

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Jason KottkeMOD

Another email:

My name is Leif Miltenberger. I’ve spent the last 15 years running a small (6-person) design company (see We started as a web design/dev shop and after a couple of years morphed into a branding & packaging design company focused on the alcohol industry. Over the years we worked with everything from literal one-person start-up breweries all the way up to three of the top 5 alcohol producers in the world.

I’ve worn a lot of hats while running the business by my main focus for the past decade has been new business development, B2B marketing (to support our biz dev), account management, team leadership and project management. At this point our company is winding down and I’m looking for full time, remote employment as a project manager or in some sort of B2B marketing role. I’d really love to work for a SaaS company or a small- to medium-sized agency.

If you could use someone with a lot of varied, lived experience, please get in touch and I’ll send over my full resumé: [email protected]


PS. I’m legally allowed to work in Canada and the US, I’m located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and I can be available during normal business hours in any North American time zone.

Jason KottkeMOD

A few more from the inbox:

  • I’m an Agilist that was once a developer and a business analyst. I’ve been helping teams make the switch to Agile practices and get better results from their practices for the past 15 years. If you’re looking for a pragmatic Agilist that understands that the philosophical framework doesn't always fit the real world, that’s me. I want to help you solve problems and deliver better products. Seeking Scrum Master, Release Train Engineer, Product Manager, and Agile Coaching roles.

  • Hi, I’m Gustav. I’m a designer for meaningful interfaces, I care about is creating delightful experiences that feel natural. I currently work as a UX designer and frontend developer, implementing my own work in code. My portfolio is just a little PDF and here’s my LinkedIn.

  • I'm Karl Weber, a Software Engineer/Designer with over 13 years of experience. I build iOS apps and websites, All Stack Developer. I'm best at building great teams with great team cultures. I'm looking for a full time role or Freelance work. Remote from Salt Lake City Utah. My Links:, My Studio:, My email: [email protected]. Also if you're looking for work, I know a lot of folks, and I'm trying to connect as many people as I can.

  • My name is Justin Von Strasburg and I have been building and designing websites ( for 18+ years and I am looking to take on some new projects. I also design concert/show posters ( and I am currently looking to expand beyond creating posters for shows I book or play.

Jason KottkeMOD

Two more from my inbox:

Jason KottkeMOD

Some more from the inbox:

Bill Nace

My wife is a skilled Japanese calligrapher who would be happy to do a commission for you. Need some non-AI generated artwork for your website, or something to hang on your wall? Support an artist who has spent decades honing her craft, including a degree from a Japanese calligraphy college and an 8-dan rating. I like to make jokes about her being a black-belt in calligraphy, but none of them are funny enough to post here.

Take a look at:


Terrific idea, Jason, and one with the nice side effect of seeing another dimension of readers. I'd just like to add that Rachel Meade Smith's newsletter, Words of Mouth, is a very good collection of job listings:

Words of Mouth is a weekly newsletter sharing opportunities for professional and creative development across design, the arts, education, information, and the built environment.

(I'm a subscriber but have no other connection or investment in WoM.)

Gabriel Smy

This is a great idea, Jason. Big fan of this site.

I’m a UK-based (but remote working) communications specialist, just come off the back of building a brand for a socially responsible fintech startup. Love tech, love startups, love fixing that big hole in organisations where the communication is meant to be. Looking for my next opportunity.

Choose one of these words:

  • Brand
  • Content
  • Communications

Then add one of these:

  • Strategist
  • Designer
  • Director

...and you get a flavour of what I do. Good luck everyone. Gabriel Smy on LinkedIn

Paul Josey

Wanted: Landscape architect(s) with 2-10 years of experience
Charlottesville based firm Wolf Josey works on a range of campus, urban and institutional projects throughout mid-Atlantic and Southern landscapes . Based on experience, can be flexible with remote work. Part time architectural drafting is also an opportunity.

More info here: (thanks, Jason)

Sara Hatch

I’m a seasoned Technical Consultant that has worked at SaaS companies for ~10 years. I started in Support but my passion is investigating and solving problems.

Not looking for anything new at the moment my company is doing some hiring for technical positions.

Feel free to hit me up on


if you are interested.

Tim Gerdes

What a fantastic idea, thanks Jason!

I am a professional fashion, boudoir and portrait photographer in the NYC metro area, available for both commercial work and portrait sessions. I am proud that my work challenges white, heteronormative standards of beauty. I help people of all shapes, sizes, colors and gender identities express their personal truths through portraiture. While not explicit my work includes art and implied nudity (NSFW).

My professional portfolio is here:
Insta: @timgerdesphotography

Chris Glass

Long shot but why not!

I've been consulting with clients throughout my career, helping them see visions come to life through product design, marketing, branding and writing. I love what I do but long to work with a team, ideally helping folks catalog and capture their lives through journaling.

I figure I should update and expand my portfolio to share more relevant bits, but this is a good kick in the pants to say the words and put it out there!


I enjoyed all your work on the site, but the cincyflag project....really love the spirit of that one and a huge hug across the universe to the human who initiated it.

Chris Glass

Thank you! A fella by the name of Henry Frondorf brought the idea to fruition through a ton of dedication and hard work, securing the funding, getting a team of creative folks together and then reaching out to every neighborhood to get involved. The best part is many folks fly their neighborhood flags to this day!

Reply in this thread

David Glick

Hello there!
I'm David, part of a father-son tax practice based out of NY. We pride ourselves on offering hands-on, detail-oriented tax advice. We specialize in ensuring personal, available, and thorough service.

We love working with interesting clients, and Kottke readers are my people! If you're navigating the complexities of tax season or need tailored business financial guidance, I'm here to help.

Drop a line if you want to chat: [email protected]

Jon Ryder

Hey folks, I'll keep it simple:

I'm Jon Ryder, a London-based brand copywriter with decades of writing under my belt*.

Always on the lookout for designers, strategists, creative directors and other smart thinkers to collaborate with - find out more at my almost-but-not-quite award-winning website,


* This phrase comes from late-1700s Scotland, originally used to describe how many drinks you could put away. At the time of writing, the only thing under my belt was my trousers.

Kendall Guillemette

Hello Kottke friends. I'm hiring a senior SEO writer to bring content to life and expand our organic search traffic. While this is a writing position, I'm looking for someone who has previous SEO experience and knows their way around the SEO landscape. You'll join a team with curious, creative, human beings working to help people see, understand and act on their data. This is a. full time, Seattle-based role at Salesforce. Feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn with any questions about the role.

Jason KottkeMOD

A bunch more from my email today:

  • I have absolutely tons of experience in "customer service" for niche worlds. I ran (managed/customer interface etc) a high-end stringed instrument repair facility in SF, CA, for a decade. I also was for eight years a shift manager (working remote) for a foreign-based 24/7 online news service publishing in English. I have also (for over three years) managed the tradeshow and event division of a high-end audio company with an international presence. Additionally, I worked (here's the funny part) for three years as the touring/recording bassist with an internationally-recognized virtuoso electric rock guitarist.

    I'm a published author, and I've done tons of other stuff too, including long-running journalism in audio trade magazines. I'm specifically looking for remote work and I'm super easy to collaborate with, flexible by nature and can work pretty much any shift.

  • I’m a seasoned and insanely curious generalist looking for my next great thing(s). I’d love to put my ADHD-honed skills to work for you… doing whatever it is you might need. Maybe you need a special projects lead, a chief of staff for a small team, or a personal research assistant? I work best in environments that provide opportunities to geek out obsessively for a few weeks before moving onto the next fixation, and in roles that allow me some degree of agency and independence.

    My backstory: I spent almost two decades in tech (as a programmer, project manager, and team leader) and while I’m not super stoked by the trajectory of the industry right now, I could probably be persuaded to work for an (honestly) ethical tech company with a non-capitalistic focus (if you represent one of those rare beasts, please reach out). In other realms I’ve built wooden boats and tiny houses, taught sailing and woodworking and coding to teenagers, helped launch New York’s nascent cannabis market, organized and led micro-conferences, researched and written funding proposals, and so much more...

    Of course I’m currently lacking in much of a web presence (cobbler’s shoes), mostly due to some recent personal transitions, but if you’re intrigued, please reach out and I will gladly provide more information. I’m based in NYC, but prefer primarily remote (and global) opportunities. Thanks!

  • Hello, my name is Kinsley! I am looking for a full time job as a software engineer (backend or full stack). I have 17+ years of experience at big tech companies, but open to working at a smaller company. Live in Seattle and open to remote work. My Linkedin profile is

  • My name is Sev DeMyers, I am a producer which I tend to think doesn't say much. The title "Producer" doesn't encompass what my skill set is and there are so many types of producers that when I look for jobs I often get "insurance producers" which I didn't even know was a thing. Anyhoo... I am an unscripted TV producer/filmmaker. I have produced reality TV for the past 15 years which means I know how to manage crises, manage budgets, talk to anyone from any walk of life, have a sense of humor, have technical understanding of camera, light and sound, write, direct, edit, not sleep and more.

    Here are some indie short films I made as I know you like to watch things. I pay my bills with professional network TV gigs but I still love sharing my indie stuff.

  • I’m a freelance video producer based in NYC. Looking for short term and long term clients who need anything video related (conceptualization, writing, filming, editing). I specialize in marketing content and past clients include Book Of The Month, Vimeo, Starz, The New York Jets, Jarlsberg Cheese, MTV, Nike, Google, Nathan’s Famous and Virgin America. My work can be found at

  • The work I do: Business Development, Sales and Key Account Management, Market Research and open to lead day to day Operations remotely for SMBs. Here is my linkedin profile:

  • I’m a photographer in the Bay Area specializing in architecture, portraits, documentary, and hospitality. I also write features, profiles, and essays, particularly about business practices for photographers, which I teach at the college level and in workshops. Photography: Writing/Teaching:

Jason KottkeMOD

A couple more from the inbox:

  • Dynamic project management specialist with extensive record of success driving strategic planning, brand management, and customer acquisition. Sales and marketing expert who develops and executes innovative marketing campaigns that generate leads, increase sales, and boost ROI. Creative problem solver leveraging in-depth understanding of business operations to implement data-driven process improvements and risk management strategies. Natural team leader dedicated to continuously enhancing customer experiences by training, mentoring, and motivating high-performing teams. Located in Denver, open to Remote, Hybrid, In Office. My LinkedIn

  • I'm Sam, an aspiring freelance writer whose newsletter, Last Week's New Yorker Review, was blurbed at the present site. Along with media criticism, I'm open to pretty much any writing, editing, or copyediting task; no job too weird. I'm also a few months away from getting my MFA in film; I'm a proficient film editor and decent at other related tasks. I could combine my expertises, if written and produced video is what you're looking for. I'm early in my career so don't have a site yet but can demonstrate proficiency and autodidacticism upon request.

Jason KottkeMOD

The NY Times is hiring for a team "focused on prototyping uses of generative AI and other machine-learning techniques to help with reporting and how The Times is presented to readers".

Jason KottkeMOD

Ok, a few more from the inbox:

  • I'm a user experience design consultant with deep agency experience at both Razorfish and Publicis Sapient. Creative director level but happy to get my hands dirty too with UX research and design. Also do a lot of writing. I have loads of experience across industries and globally-recognized brands. Started an LLC last year, so meet me over here

  • or over there

  • Hi! I'm Christopher Harrington, and I'm a Product Design Director specialising in accessibility. I've got over 12 years managing people, and way more than that in the UX field. I'm looking for a good team to help make great usable products. You can find my LinkedIn profile here:

  • 17 years making creativity generate money – a Creative Director who's seen it all and made it work. Seeking a company that values ideas over postcodes. Why hire an agency when all you need is an idea? Check out my profile:

  • I'm an audio editor/sound designer with over twenty years' experience and I'm looking for podcast/audio drama/spoken word projects. You can hear excerpts of my work — including Storytel's 1984 which was nominated for an Audie in 2023 — on my website:

  • I am a junior software developer with experience in databases and unity game development. I've worked on 2 shipped games Powerwash Simulator and Live By The Sword, i have worked with sql databases for mobile network systems, and I'm looking for remote work that can be done from the UK in either games development or database management.

Mike Garrett

Hi! Mike Garrett here. I just shut down my web development agency after over a decade. We specialized in building complex, integrated, and custom-built websites on WordPress and Drupal for other agencies. I have a young family and desperately need a change of pace and reduced risk. I have a long history in the web development sector, helping establish other agencies and personally developing websites that have garnered international attention. I bet I can help you. Let's talk.

Peter Binkowski

Kin Insurance is hiring for a bunch or roles right now. Kin is a direct to consumer home owners insurance company. We're aggressively expanding this year and hiring really across the board - take a look at the job board here, if there's something you'd like more info on, feel free to get in touch on mastodon or linkedin. I am a design lead there, however I can give you some general info on most of the listing. Most jobs should be 100% remote, in the US.

Derek Coatney

I'm hiring for various Product Management roles at Lattice, an HR Tech company with the mission of making meaningful. These are all IC roles on the Platform team. The first is a core UI PM who will be responsible for our various shared experiences across the platform. The second is a product platform role that will be responsible for expanding our employee data models and functionality. The third is a developer platform role looking to make our internal developers experience great. These are all mid-level roles within our product organization. If you're interested, feel free to reach out to me: [email protected].


Hi! My team is looking for a new lead. We're a design team that builds components for the rest of the company to use. Not the easiest job in the world because our tech is a little dated but we've got a great team and it's a really good company.

Dave W

Hi! I'm a content strategist/marketing copywriter looking for a full-time remote position. I spent the last 10 years working for a fairly well-known tech company, so I'm pretty well-versed in the ins and outs of that world. Writing samples here:

Feel free to reach out at [email protected] for my resume, questions, and groan-worthy puns. (Thanks, Jason!)

Public City Architecture

HIRING! - we’re an architecture and landscape architecture firm located in Winnipeg, Canada : . We are looking for a Marketing Lead to join our growing studio. The position is full time and in-person at our Winnipeg office. Position includes : social media and website management and content creation, RFP coordination, writing, storytelling and some graphic design. If you’re interested and happen to live in Winnipeg (or would consider moving to our unique city!) email us at [email protected] for the full job description.

Andrew L Alger

Hello Kottke followers - I'm a user experience / digital product designer actively seeking either:

  • A director-level design role managing and nurturing a growing team or
  • Joining an early-stage startup

I have 10 years of experience managing teams and 15+ years of experience leading UX for products and mobile apps for Fortune 500 companies and innovative start-ups. I love to solve the nitty gritty design problems to make a product seamless. Much of my work has been solving the complex enterprise software that helps companies run smoothly. For that reason, most of my work is covered under NDA. My portfolio is available upon request!
Website: [Andrew Alger]


Love this idea!

Hi all, I'm an editorial director and marketing expert that's left digital media and is looking for a full-time opportunity doing content strategy and/or growth marketing, either brand-side or agency. Check out my website and LinkedIn for more.

Linda S

I saw the British Antarctic Survey is looking for a “small to medium creative agency” for a public engagement project. Classic case of “saw this and thought of you”, kottkites! ????. I’m so sure I renewed my membership to post. Details in this LinkedIn post. Deadline 16 Feb. ????????

Halli S

Hi - my submission is late to the game but hopefully worth the wait. I'm Halli, and I recently moved from Southern California (Ventura County) to downtown Indianapolis - would love to chat! I'm looking for a full time remote, in-office, or hybrid position in client success, team/member experience, management - anywhere I can continue to add value and keep learning.

I am currently doing marketing and organizational development consulting for a devops company, and I have a wide variety of interests and experience across many industries and fields. Contact me via LinkedIn to discuss digital marketing & Google algorithms, commercial loan processing/real estate, dogs (anything animal-related!), Jewish history and culture, the necessity of summer camp, decoupage and making jewelry, proper grammar and syntax, or just to recommend your favorite places to visit in Indy!

Crystal Mangahas

Hello, I'm on the board of directors for a preschool in Santa Rosa, CA (the heart of beautiful Sonoma County) and we're looking for a new Director to start this summer and lead our supportive, inspiring and inclusive community of 14 staff members and approximately 65 families. Our school, College Oak Montessori, has been around for over 30 years. This is a FT position (40 hours/week) with medical & 401K & a generous PTO package. Must be licensed to be a preschool director in California. Please pass along to anyone who might be interested (more details on the school website

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