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How France’s Film Industry Works

The film industry in France works a little differently that the American film industry. In this video, Evan Puschak explains how France treats filmmaking as a public good to be invested in at all levels.

One of the most interesting things is that the government gives grants to filmmakers that are specifically untethered to box office success in order “to support an independent cinema that is bold in terms of market standards and that cannot find its financial balance without public assistance”. Filmmakers who have made their early work with this public assistance include Agnes Varda, Celine Sciamma, and Claire Denis.

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CNC is one of the most precious organization in France. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to make Blogotheque a sustainable company, and many of my music films rely on their grants.

I was a bit apprehensive when clicking, but Evan does a great great job explaining this quite complicated system. We really spent hours every week explaining the system to US and UK partners, this video will be really helpful !

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