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Out Today

My daughter is home sick, so there will be fewer posts from me today. But I will be back tomorrow, I hope!

PS: Please feel free to ask me any questions, either here in the comments or in an email. Tuesday will be my last day, and I enjoy posting these mini Q&As. Turns out I miss chatting and blogging! Questions could be about anything. How do you know Jason? Initially through blogging and living in NYC, and now slightly more because we live vaguely close to each other in upstate New York and Vermont. How old are you? 40! How did you meet your husband? Bumble! But we had a mutual friend, which helped break the ice. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?? Hmm let me think….

Comments  5

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Rex Sorgatz

What is the most active conversation in your group texts right now?

Daniel Knapp

Thank you so very much! Loved the work you did and enjoyed your take on blogging

Elsa Gonsiorowski

I am loving your takeover and blogging! The comics are great and as another elder millennial mom who likes to knit, I just vibe with you and your posts! Hope everyone gets well soon :)

David Smith

I met my wife on Bumble. Best thing that ever happened to me. πŸ˜„

No questions but I've really been enjoying your voice on the blog!

Bob Clewell

What are your favorite 3 movies of all time and 1 that you hate that everyone else loves?

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