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How to Cook Turkey With Just Chicken and Cinnamon

Right on time for all upcoming feasts, it’s “Holiday Recipes Dictated by Kindergarteners,” in the newsletter Bright Spots, by Chris Duffy. (His friend, a kindergarten teacher, had her students “collectively dictate to her how they believe their favorite Thanksgiving dishes were made.”) For instance, turkey:


Click through for further instructions on how to prepare stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Where was this two weeks ago?

Comments  3

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Thom Wong

This reminds me of two of my favorite McSweeney's: Nietzsche's Angel Food Cake and Notes From My TED Talk.

Caroline G.

It kind of reminds me of AI Weirdness, but significantly cuter.

Broccoli of Doom

In the context of this article about the energy intensity of generative AI (1 phone charge of electricity per image?!?) that AI wierdness page seems opulant.

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