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This is perhaps a little specific, but since I’m expecting Baby No. 2 in about two weeks, and we have a two-year-old at home, I found this Cup of Jo post helpful and reassuring: “Going From One Kid to Two.” Especially this bit from the comments: “Very few people have two young kids because they’re excited about having a newborn and a toddler at the same time. The payoff comes later.”

Comments  3

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Colter Mccorkindale

It's true. Even with an 18-month age gap, our girls entertain each other and they're always together, almost like twins. Having a 5 year gap between me and my elder siblings, I felt super isolated because I was never in on whatever it was they were doing or talking about. It sucked.

Matthew M

2.5 year gap between my 5 year old daughter and her younger brother. It was, of course, a lot of work at first, but by the time that she was 4, it started becoming less work at times, because she was constantly devising games to play with him. They're the sweetest and happiest little buddies and co-conspirators, and I get constant joy from seeing them being really thoughtful and caring towards one another (yes, there's conflict too, but they're pretty good about resolving it, often without intervention).

Jeremy Wallace

!!! Congrats! Having twins that are now 6, I can say that while there are years that completely disappear, the present is amazing and the future looks even better.

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