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Reading NYT book critic Dwight Garner’s memories of the books that he read/reviewed this past year (“I … remember making a fool of myself”) reminded me how much I also enjoyed his Grub Street Diet from a couple months ago. Without rereading it, and following the Sigrid Nunez prompt he used in the NYT book-memories article: I remember from that post that his apartment seemed creaky and comfortable, and that it seemed like he had a nice marriage. Also maybe something about oysters. […] Okay, no oysters, yes organ meat.

Comments  3

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Caroline G.

The NYTimes link seems to be broken. I think this one is right.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Gah Iโ€™m so sorry โ€” thank you, Caroline! It should be fixed now.

Jeffrey Shrader

I love the "I remember" prompt for thinking about books. A friend and I use this when one of us reads a book that the other has already read. We call it "time machine book club."

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