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How to read a Victorian novel

The Victorian novel can present a daunting challenge to today’s Twitter-addled brains, so Rohan Maitzen has some advice on how to read them.

Now that you’re properly equipped, your next challenge is time! You’re going to want to read, and read, and read-but modern life sometimes makes that difficult. What’s to be done?

Take the book with you everywhere, that’s what. Bank line-ups, buses, bathrooms, those precious 8 minutes while the pasta boils - you know what to do! A few pages here, a few pages there, and next thing you know, you’re 500 pages in, with only another 200 to go.

Then there’s all the time you’ll save by not watching television. Remember: the most highly-praised shows in recent years are always compared to … Victorian novels! Some of them are straight-up based on them! Just read the originals. They are always better.