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Cockney rhyming slang ATM

A number of banking machines in London offer Cockney rhyming slang as a language option. Operating the machine is simple…just insert your barrel of lard and punch in your Huckleberry Finn to get your sausage and mash.

Cockney ATM

The company has also been responsible for introducing cash machines which only dispense £5 notes — fivers as they are colloquially named or Lady Godivas in cockney.

It also allows people to withdraw a pony — which is £25 to non-cockney folk.

“I was talking to Andrew Bailey, the chief cashier of the Bank of England, and he said they were trying to get more £5 notes into circulation,” Mr Delnevo reflects.

He came up with the idea that, rather than putting £5 notes in as one choice, it would be better to have £5-note only cash machines.

“We were getting to the state where we were a £20 note society - handing over £20 for an item which cost £4.50 and handed back enough metal to act as an anchor for the aircraft carrier Ark Royal,” he says.

See also ATMs in Latin. (via @nrturner)