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The new Zodiac

An interesting calendrical tidbit: the Zodiac that everyone is familiar with today is actually based upon the movement of the sun through the constellations of 2500 years ago. Today, due to shifts in the earth’s rotation and orbit, the sun moves through 13 constellations, not just 12. Here’s the updated version:

Pisces (March 13 - April 19)
Aries (April 20 - May 12)
Taurus (May 13 - June 20)
Gemini (June 21 - July 19)
Cancer (July 20 - August 11)
Leo (August 12 - September 17)
Virgo (Sepetember 18 - October 31)
Libra (November 1 - November 21)
Scorpius (November 22 - November30)
Ophiuchus (December 1 - December 18)
Sagittarius (December 19 - January 18)
Capricorn (January 19 - February 17)
Aquarius (February 18 - March 12)

This means I’m actually a Virgo instead of a Libra. Not that I care.