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Hi, I am Needs to Read About A Rap Beef in the NY Times to Understand What’s Going On With Drake and Kendrick Lamar years old.

Discussion  6 comments

Mike Akers Edited

I'm roughly the same age and I don't think we're aging up into NYTimes pop culture explainers as much as they've lowered down to reach a larger younger audience.

Jason KottkeMOD

Well, for me it was more that I couldn't easily discern, from social media, who was saying what to who about what in which songs and needed an explainer that assumed little prior knowledge.

Mike Akers

Ah gotcha. I think most people are in the same boat unless they were already following everything going on between these 2, regardless of age :)

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Brian Pan

If you really want to get into it, YouTube channels are where a lot of "conversation" is going on.

Check out fantano aka The Needle Drop (especially TND Streams for this weekend). And Dead End Hip Hop had a few reaction videos as well.

This is what I was doing all weekend, and eating it all up! :D

Adam Kaufman

The best explanations I’ve found so far. Speaking of age, I can’t believe/I’m sorry for linking to TikTok, but he really does a tremendous job of laying out everything.

Matt G

The best part about the Wikipedia article about the feud is that they used the war/conflict template. I wish that they would've used the term belligerents when listing those involved.

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