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Pop!Tech 2004 discount

The Pop!Tech conference is coming up in October (read about my adventures there last year and conference-goers’ adventures with the nTag badges). This year’s conference will feature Burt Rutan, Richard Florida, Malcolm Gladwell, Ze Frank, Bruce Mau, and Doug Rushkoff, although, as with last year’s conference, I’m sure some of the most interesting speakers will be the ones you’ve never heard of before.

I’m not sure how many of you are conference goers, but if you’re interested in attending Pop!Tech, the organizers are giving readers $300 off the regular registration price. To register, follow this link to the Pop!Tech site and click on “Registration” in the upper left-hand corner. If 5 people register via that link, I get a free ticket. So if you want to go, I’d appreciate the referral.