How to solve the separation of church and state problem in the US. “Offer greater latitude for religious speech and symbols in public debate, but also impose a stricter ban on state financing of religious institutions and activities”.
FAQ: How Real ID will affect you. So nice that they snuck it in on a completely unrelated bill like that…I don’t remember that aspect of gov’t being explained in that Schoolhouse Rock song about the bill.
The Flynn Effect: IQs are rising in the US. “US test takers gained 17 IQ points between 1947 and 2001.”
James Kunstler lays out a gloomy and depressing energy crisis future in The Long Emergency. “Our lives will become profoundly and intensely local. Daily life will be far less about mobility and much more about staying where you are.”
Zinn’s a Marxist freak (well, according to some), but this book is still worth reading as an antidote to what most American kids learn about in school.
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